Thursday, December 30, 2010

First night, Two Baths @ Figtree

One night, two baths, forty minutes Kikou, and a refreshing sleep. It is now our second day at Fig Tree Cottage in Maleny, QLD. Aco and I are enjoying the easy going atmosphere. Last night Aco was lucky to find that the stars were visible mid-night. It has been raining and cloudy day after day in QLD this last month, so Aco was fortunate to find a moment when the clouds had cleared, we could see the moon, the Milky Way.

Aco cooked an oil-free curry using Japanese curry powder. It was delicious, I was surprised that a curry can be so tasty without frying the spices first in oil. It is now the morning after, and I am cooking Okayu as Aco takes a shower. Today we will visit the Glass-House Mountains, have a picnic, hopefully visit a local winery, and visit a national park.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

A special person is coming to Brisbane

Dearest Aco will be here in 2 days.
It's hard to believe that she will be here with me, where I am now, in a short while.
I hope she can relax in Australia, and enjoy our holiday. I know she has so much to think about these days. She is truly special, working so hard, preparing for the end of year, preparing for a tax investigation, and for our holiday.

I'll take the train to the airport on Tuesday morning at 6:21 AM, to meet Aco at Brisbane International Airport. Her flight will arrive at 7:05.

Leaving Tomorrow

I have only one day left for leaving to Australia.

I sent off my beloved bunny Lapita yesterady and handed him to my mother at tokyo station.

I miss him please be well until I come back.

It was so quick the time has passed by.

I m still working today and I haven't finished packing, but it should be ok I hope.

I will leave early morining tomorrow, I just hope everything will be all right until I arrive at Adam's place.

Fingers crossed!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010






やるしかない! ですね。




This is the translation by Adam :)
thx for that

At this time I am really feeling down, tired, unsettled, restless.
In a short while I should go to Australia.
But, I have so much work to do. thid is like a big mountain just infront of me.

How can it be done?
But it must be done! Right?
I will rise up, and do my best, as much as I can.
This is my challenge.

This is like Aco is sanding on the edge of a cliff :P

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Buldings, clouds and yellow trees

This is Shinjuku city in Tokyo taken about 10 days ago.

I found the sky looks nice with clouds.

the trees are getting change their colour at this time.

And, I took this today on a way back to the office from Shinjuku stn.

As you can see the trees are coloured beautifully yellow.

Country Skies and Rain-Clouds, Following Record Downfalls in Queensland.

a view outside my room

I am back at Lucas Camp #94.
This is my second hitch at 94 since we had closed down a few months ago.
Recently there has been an extremely high amount of rain, breaking records, and causing widespread flooding. 
I hope the rain will decrease by the time Aco comes. The seems to be have been falling each day for the last 2-3 weeks. 
The last two days have been dry where we are, with rain-clouds scattered here and there around our camp.
Work has been ok. I have been feeling a bit tired with this work. I can sense I have grown slightly averted to the culture of the mining camps, as well as the day to day tasks of this work. I will continue working, as long as I can. After-all this job helps me save a decent amount of money, which will help me fulfill my goals.

Monday, December 13, 2010

15days left Before leaving Tokyo

We have 15 days left before our next meeting!

I'm really looking forward to seeing you Adam, and I am happy to be next to you again soon.

At the same time, I become more worried about my work.

Since we will have investigation in January I have to do more work,  more than I expected.

In the end of the year, each year, we are normaly busier than ordinary time. And I should prepare for the time during which I will be absent from work.

Noone can replace me :( so I'm a bit worried about my company....

Anyway we have only 15days left and I think I should do what I can do right now to get ready for our holiday and for my work as well.

I hope I can be well prepared before i leave tokyo.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Eighteen days before our Australian Summer Holiday!

Aco will be here soon! In eighteen days, Aco will be in Australia with me, at this old Queenslander house where I currently live. For me, it will be a dream-come-true.

We have been planning our Australian summer holiday since June. We will stay here, at my share house, for the first night, before going up to the Sunshine Coast Hinterland, to our hideaway cabin in Maleny for three nights, and then back again for another two nights. I cant wait to be with Aco again. It has been around six months since the last time I was with her in Japan :(

Aco, I put these photos here for you to see :) 
I hope you are looking forward to our holiday as much as I am xxx.
A typical "Queenslander" home. My room is at the front of the house, on the top floor, left side.
A view down the road from the porch (east)
A view (west)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Yummy Sandwich

Organic Whole-grain Bread, Tomato, Swiss Cheese, Cucumber, Spanish Onion, Avacado
Dill, Spring Onion, Parsley, Kyupi Mayonnaise, Dijon Mustard, Miso Paste, Shichimi, Salt and pepper.
and Umeboshi.
This was really yummy!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"Coopers" one of My Favorite Australian Beers

Coopers Pale Ale
I'm drinking a Coopers Pale Ale at the moment.
Coopers is made in Adelaide, South Australia.
Its one of my favorite Australian beers.
No Additives
No Preservatives
The taste is a bit yeasty, the way a good beer should taste.
I prefer a beer that has a mildly dry, bitter, refreshing taste, over a beer that is sweet and light.

I dont like to be drunk.
I like to drink for the taste, and to reach a nice tipsy warmth within. I'd rather feel a bit silly and warm from a few drinks of good さけ, wine, or a nice beer, without drinking too much and loosing my senses.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

First Attempt: Cheese Soufflé

This afternoon I prepared and baked a Cheese Souffle, my first ever Souffle.
I've never even tasted a souffle before, I am a chef, I work as a chef, graduated cooking college, and yet I have never had to make a souffle, embarrassing but true.
I have a copy of Julia Child's, Mastering the Art of French Cookery, on my laptop.
I read through the basics of souffle preparation, and found that there are many ways to alter a souffle, to create something more personalized, using the standard recipe as a focal point.
I had decided to start with a classic, cheese souffle. To see what is required to prepare, and produce a decent souffle, before deciding if I'd like to go further.
Since I have also not seen many souffles, I wasn't sure how it should look, what a perfect souffle should look like.

I went ahead anyway, following the recipe as closely as I can, and baked my first souffle.
Here's a photo:


I thought it looked like it had blown open on the top. But the taste was nice, a very simple taste.

I will make another soon.

When I was in Tokyo last May-June, Aco and I had eaten a Natto Omelette. It was quite nice. Natto taste complimented the egg taste. Perhaps I could try to cook a Natto souffle :) after-all, the basic ingredients of a souffle are eggs, flour and milk. I think I would be quite happy to find some Natto in the middle of a nice baked souffle... well, that just my taste imagination. I will see how it tastes in reality, next time.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Fermented Goodness

Since the 19th November I have been at home, enjoying my break from work.
I have been taking better care of my health this break. Eating Okayu (rice soup) almost every day, for breakfast, and drinking at least two pots of fermented black tea, which was a gift from Aco.

For some time I have felt that I might have some health issue with my stomach or intestines. I often feel bloated, and full, even if I eat a small amount.
I have been following Aco's advice, trying to have a more holistic approach to my well-being. I first started learning BouKikou (CHi Kung with Bo) from Aco last year. Since then I have been practicing more frequently and finding it helps to relax any tightness in my shoulders and neck.
The tightness in my left shoulder and left side of my neck, can at times be very severe and painful. So I have asked for more advice from Aco about these symptoms, to find out what she would recommend, how my symptoms would be interpreted by Traditional Chinese Medicine.
It was interesting to learn that the left shoulder is related to the stomach. Aco had advised me to start taking better care of my stomach, by eating Okayu each morning, and Miso Shiru, and to drink the fermented black tea each day.
I have been following her advice, and I have been feeling better... less bloated, and clean within. I am now wishing to find more fermented foods and drinks. There is a tea shop in Chermside that sells fermented teas, I will have a look next week, and if it's not too expensive, I will buy some.

Thanks Aco. MD.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

First batch of Cookies @ home

Chocolate Chip & Walnut Cookies.

I baked these cookies to give to friends. I stay away from sweets, most of the time, since learning how easy it is too overeat delicious sweets and desserts, and knowing that sweet foods do not support my well-being.
It is nice however, after enjoying many healthy meals, day after day, to occasionally eat something sweet just for the pleasure of tasting it. I feel, desserts taste much better after not eating them for long periods of time.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Fishing @ Shorncliffe

This bird (Pelican) pooh'd on me... unlucky, or is it lucky?
It was only a little bit, most of it fell onto the jetty behind me. I have learned to always check the light poles on jetties.
The sun was setting, and the cold ocean wind started to rush onshore. I stayed to watch the sun go down, and then made my way home... without any fish.

One day in Autumn, Tokyo

I went to the dentist to have my teeth checked.

I go there every 2 months, fortunately there are no serious
poblems with my teeth.
I have had trouble with my gums, I had gingivitis and some cavities so I need to check them to make sure they are not getting worse.

After I finish my dentist appointment,
I always walk through a small park near by.

There are sever
al sakura (Japanesee cherry) trees and it's very beautiful in spring, when the trees are blooming.

On t
his day I found they had nice autumn colours .

the park is not that big but it gave me a happy moment, seeing nature, feeling nature.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Before Organising, Cleaning@work

I took photos in my office today.
I don't want to show this to anyone but I thought it's a good idea to write on this blog to encourage myself to clean my office.

I like to clean, but this is just out of my control, so i need to push myself a bit.

I'm so embarassed to show it here on this blog, but it's a good way to force myself to try to clean this place.

As you can see this is totally in chaos.

sigh...., anyway all I could do is just start, little by little.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

lovely rabbit

"in the quiet country, 
under the trees and shrubs, amongst the grass and hiding in burrows
there are rabbits...
they never speak, 
they quietly sit, 
or hop, 
or scurry when they feel it is time.
they love to nibble on grasses,
and flowers,
and have a nap when they are tired, 
or nestle, down under the earth, with their families.
the natural world loves rabbits too and treats them kindly
giving them land and trees and open fields to jump and hop around
making the earth soft and rich, so that rabbits can make homes within it
the earth loves having rabbits digging holes and sleeping quietly under its surface
mother nature gave them soft little bodies, which beautifully express their peaceful, gentle nature.
we can learn a lot from rabbits.

having a rabbit close to you, and loving her, will certainly make you happy
for she is a blessing."

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Present from Adam

I received really beautiful flowers from Adam on my Birthday.

 Actually, they arrived one day before, but it was so nice of him.

And he sang for me, "Happy Birthday to You" :) midnight, in the early hours of my Birthday.

Visiting a Park

Today is my Birthday, normally i dont celebrate my birthday on this day.

Every year my parents and sister visit Tokyo to celebrate my birthday, but they come before or after my bd.

This year they came to Tokyo on 20th and we had dinner at the restaurant and stayed at a hotel near the park. We walked in the Park where there are beautiful autumn coloured trees.

In that garden, there is a Japanese garden, English garden, French garden, Chinese garden, rose garden, and japanese flowers garden. You can enjoy the varied scenery.

we could see many roses that were in bloom. they had many types, varieties, shapes, colors.

I really enjoyed seeing them, i felt i was so refreshed after walking through the park.

The park is located in central tokyo but there are so many big trees, many plants, flowers and birds too.

Out side of the park is quite busy, but once you enter through the gate, you can see a totally different world.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Do you like frogs?

A few years ago I was working on farms in Western Australia. I often came across frogs which were hiding in the shrines and trees. I thought the Australian tree Frog has a beautiful colored skin. They are calm creatures and not poisoness. Many of the other workers were afraid or disgusted by these frogs.
I found a tree frog outside my room this morning. So I picked him up and took a picture.

He was a bit dirty from hopping in the mud

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Camp #94 Arcadia Valley

Im back at Camp #94 in the Arcadia Valley, Queensland. I've been here since last Friday the 4th November, it is now Wednesday. So far it has been a relatively easy hitch. I am working back to back with Peter (chef) who I had met once before while I was staying overnight at a camp in Roma. Peter seems nice,  he is much older than I am, and had spent many years cooking in the Australian Army.
Today was very quiet, since the rig as well as the camp are being moved to a new location. That means, for a few days, the camp will be quiet while the drilling crew all pack up the rig, move it through town, wash it down, set it up at the new site, all before they will move the camp. I still have to cook for a few workers who are staying behind, and for the other camp staff, Peter and Brian. I am enjoying this quiet time, Peter and Brian both manage to become bored and would rather be busy. We are different in that regard. Im happy to have a period of rest. I still have things I can do.
The camp is moving quiet far, out of the Valley, near Taroom. We should have the camp set-up and running as normal by Sunday or Monday.
Camp # 94, current location.

Monday, November 1, 2010

その後。。。after that day

Adam is home and he seems to enjoy his days off.

I'm glad if he is happy.

and I'm grateful that he likes the gifts i sent from japan.




少年はその贈り物に目を輝かして喜んだ。The boy was bright-eyed with delight at the present.

This morning I walked to the post office to pick up a parcel from Aco. The parcel contained number of very useful items such as, Black Tea, Body Lotion (soy based), Organic Dehydrated Dashi Stock, Special Red Miso Paste, Yuzu Kosho (spicy, sour, salty paste made from a citrus fruit "yuzu"), Special Shoyu (soy sauce), and a cute card :) Aco has a business, which provides various food, health care, and body products, made in Japan. I can say from experience that the products are very high quality and quite cheap.

Day after Day I consider how fortunate I am to have Aco in my life. She inspires me to live well. I have changed, hopefully for the better, over the years. My mind and body feel healthier, stronger, than ever before. There are a few aspects of my life, things I have received or learned from others, or found accidently, for which I am grateful. These things have enriched my life, bringing me gradually back-to-life. This coming back-to-life feels something like an awareness, which leads to an acceptance, of what supports my life. I hope I can continue to find appreciation within for all the aspects of life, not only for the things which help me feel good and live well, but also the challenges that I face day to day should be embraced bravely, eventually.

Thank you so much Aco.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Soon, I will be a Foreigner

Aco and I often talk about and consider our plans for our life together. I am planning to move to Japan by the end of 2011. 

When I returned home last night, I was pleased to find a parcel from Aco containing the books we found about living in Japan as a foreigner. The books cover many topics, from visas, nationalization, the rights of workers, opening a business etc...
I hope I can be accepted as a foreigner in Japan. I have an affinity for the country, it's cultural mannerisms, its topography, and for its finest human, Aco :)

I am Home ただいま!

I am home, after one month at work... Last night I had the best sleep I have had in over one month :)
At this moment I am drinking Sapporo and listening to a mix of music, The cure is currently playing. I have also just completed an order for the first part of Aco's Birthday present. I'm tipsy and becoming excited about the shopping for Aco's Birthday. I almost never drink during the day. I very rarely drink at all. But today, I am feeling impulsive, I feel good, reminiscing about Aco, and the thought of her receiving a nice gift on her Birthday is putting a smile in my heart.
Actually, this year, there are a few gifts which I am happy to buy for Aco. A few months back, I had bought an airline ticket for her to have a holiday with me in Australia, over this New Year, Since an airline ticket is not item which can be wrapped and opened by her on her Birthday, I want to send a few gifts :)

This morning I woke up at 7:00 am!!
This is a special event. I very rarely ever wake up before at least 10:00 am when I am on break. Each time I wake up late, I think I would like to have the energy to get up at an early hour, to enjoy the waking world in the early hours. Usually I go to bed quite late, so I also sleep late. Today, this morning I felt so well rested, that staying in bed seemed unnatural. And now it is almost mid day, I have already been to the grocery store, pharmacist, bought Aco a Birthday present, and now I am tipsy haha... I plan to enjoy this break as much as possible, I'm off to a good start.

Last night, I told Aco that I would be online, Skype and MSN, when she returns home from work, and that I would sleep until the time when she arrives home. What actually happened was I fell asleep hard and quick, without realizing that I left my computer on my bed unplugged. I guess within a few hours my laptop went to sleep as well, since there was no power plugged into it. I had only just arrived home last night and I hadn't thought things trough thoroughly. I nodded off, and I missed an opportunity to greet Aco online for the first time in one month. I am truly sorry for that Aco :( I will plug in my computer next time.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

1 month @ work

Since the 1st October, I have been working everyday. 12 hours a day, 24 days, roughly 288 hours. Just today I called the office to find out if they have considered sending me home anytime soon. Before making the call, I hadn't heard anything from camp management about going home, I felt I would be out here for perhaps another week, which would make this hitch the longest I have ever worked, and would definitely be testing my patience. While finding out that I am going home, I also learned that I would only have 6 days at home instead of the usual 16. The good thing about having such a short break is that I will have less time to spend money, and I'll be back at work making rather than spending money, before too long.

I'll be going back to Lucas 94, where I first started working for Eastern Well Camp Management (my employer). It's a smaller camp, averaging 20 - 25 workers. CB2, Cooper Basin 2, a Santos camp, where I am working now is much bigger, more organized, and generally more enjoyable. The culture of the workers is noticeably more refined... only by a margin, but it is noticeable. I wonder how I will get on back at Lucas 94... I certainly have learned a bit since I last worked at 94. So, in theory, I should be well prepared which will make my work more enjoyable... no?

As a chef, working twelve hours day after day, I do find myself feeling a bit tired of the same old routine after about ten days. I know it is only my mind that is worn thin by the routine. There is nothing actually wrong with the work or my job. Only my patience and will, my perception and sensory experience is where the problem starts... isn't it? I tend to try to develop a more accepting attitude toward work, and life in general. At times it is hard to simply accept the circumstances of my life. There may be some pain in my back or hip while I work, I may be physically or mentally tired, and this causes the feeling of being, "tired of," or "fed up with." Anyway, I am only human right? Being far from perfect. I can only try to do my best, and put as much of my effort as I can gather into my work and into training myself to accept the less desirable circumstances in life.

I'll be home in two days :)
Can't wait to open Skype and see my dear Aco's sweet smile and hear her voice.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

ピンチ! Crisis at work









遠く離れた Adam にも励ましてもらってます。


By Aco

Friday, October 15, 2010

Dreaming about you, Aco.

Last night I dreamt of you, Aco.
We were together, it was your home town, but the location was completely unlike the place in which you really live. In my dream, not far from your home, we walked by a cliff side. Long, vibrant green grass and vines grew in thickets and hung over the edge. A chain fence ran along a footpath through the grass to a flight of stairs which lead to where your apartment was.  Over the cliff side, a deep valley chasm, mist rising before a waterfall at the other side. The colors were deep and dark green, around the waterfall was colored by rich brown earth. Enormous tall trees grew along the river banks on the far side.  Vines hung down like necklaces from the branches. It was amazing, the feeling of being by this valley.

During the dream we seemed to be stuck in a perpetual loop of arriving at this cliff side. Each time there was a different aspect of the area which stood out noticeably. At times, we were confronted by danger, other times I had to protect you, Aco, from people who wished to harm you. And at other times we simply stood by the cliff in awe of the beauty and the tragedy.
In one instance, there was a lot of pollution. Papers in the grass, and papers, wrappers, scraps of human waste were being carried by the wind and hung in the mist like ascending white birds. I remember feeling shocked by this sight. I was moved by the beauty of the natural world, and at the same time mournful over the pollution which seemed to be at battle with the purity to the natural world... As if the wind not only carried the papers, it was fighting to be rid of them. The wind could not clear it all away... the papers span around and back down, circling and scattering around the land. I felt a sadness which seemed to be the sadness of the world itself. I could feel the sadness and longing of the earth to be free from the harm which the human world imposes on it, and the sadness of witnessing something pure and beautiful fall into darkness.

We returned time and again to this cliff side path. It seemed as if that was the only setting for the dream, I can't recall us being anywhere else. I remember you, Aco, were so beautiful in my dream (as you are in real life). You felt so special to me, you were pure as the earth was. I wanted to save you, as well as the earth from the cruelty of men, of humankind. I believe this was the theme and mood of my dream. I wanted to preserve the purity I felt in you as well as in the chasm of the valley, and witness the end of harmful ways.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Adam @ Cooper Basin

I just finished my first shift at Santos Camp #2 in the Cooper Basin, South Australia.
This is the third camp at which I have worked, since starting this job in February this year. After just one day, I am confident in saying that this camp is by far the easiest and most enjoyable camp I have worked at.
I had a number of compliments on the lunch I had prepared, which was: Beef Scallopini, Chili chicken legs, BBQ chicken wings, and all the sides... steamed vegetables, pasta, boiled potatoes with herb butter, salad, fruit. All very simple foods, which is just what they want to eat out here.

Here is an example of a simple meal that was even too fancy for a workers who exclaimed: "just throw it on the plate, I'm about to tear it up anyway"
It was, Braised Lamb, Sweet Potato Mash, Steamed green Vegetables and Gravy. Most of these workers just want meat, gravy, bread, potato, and a few vegetables frozen or fresh doesn't seem to matter. I have to be careful not to make the meals too refined for this causes fear in the grunts who are like eternal infants, or a sort of red neck of the outback. I must remark that some of the rig workers are from overseas or grew up near a culturally rich area and they enjoy a variety of foods. But since they, like me, are part of the minority in such remote locations, we get on by following the ways of the country bumpkins. Speech must be course, rough, and crude, even when speaking positively. The more curse words, the better you fit in. By ignoring any higher intuition and reasoning, one gets on and can exist here without too much tension.

There is no mobile internet or mobile phone signal at all where we are.
I'm fortunate to have an internet connection in my bedroom, via the camp satellite. This way I can keep in contact with Aco. I send Good Morning! and Good Night! emails or messages os MSN. If Aco and I are both online at the same time we can chat. Happy :)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Adam @ Work

Hi Aco, and readers.
Adam here, I'm supposed to be working at the moment. I should be baking a cake or preparing some other type of dessert. Just now, for a few minutes, I want to write about how I feel day to day, about my job. My job is enjoyable, most of the time. I work as a Chef for a catering company that services the mining industry. The workers that we cater for can be quite rough and can be hard to deal with, which adds a bit of pressure to my job. I'm a bit shy, so I find the abrasive nature of some Australian country folk to be quite challenging.
There are always two chefs working here, on separate twelve hour alternating shifts. Day after day, keeping the kitchen open around the clock. I am responsible for my own menu planning, food preparation and kitchen management. There are days when I am proud of what I cook, and days when I am out of ideas...  
Every time I go to work, even the night before I have to take the bus to out of town, I start to miss Aco. When I am home, on break, which is usually 16 days, Aco and I communicate everyday. I love it. She is my comfort, and my fresh air.
I am always thinking of my dear Aco. Especially when I come to work out here in the wild Oz, surrounded by wild animals. I feel a deep appreciation for having her in my life. When I think of her, I remember that there are good qualities in human kind. Aco is the most gentle, lovely, admirable, and adorable person that I know. I feel a bit more gentle myself, when I remember her kind smile, her voice, her touch. I realize how fortunate I am. Meeting her, has changed the way I feel, about myself, about relationships, about my future. Being by her side is my motivation for keeping up this hard work. The money I make, and save, brings me a little closer to the goal, to be by her side as soon as possible.

About Our Blog

We are Adam and Aco. Hello! こんにちは! We are a happy couple, who successfully maintain a long distance relationship. This is Adam writing, I thought it might be nice for Aco and I to make a blog for ourselves, for fun, and to perhaps share a bit of our story to others who are also in a long distance relationship. Aco gave me the thumbs up, so here I am writing the first entry. I am English, I live in Australia at the moment, and Aco is Japanese, and she lives in Japan.

Adam's Update November 2011: awaiting a Japanese student visa. If I am accepted I will be in Japan in December, living with Aco :)
Welcome to our blog.
こんにちは Adam とAco です。 最初、私は自分たちのブログについて書くなんてとても恥ずかしくて気が引けましたが、自分達の思いを気軽に綴るのもいい記念になるかなと思い、ブログを書くことになりました。
Hello this is Adam  & Aco's blog,  I'm Aco.
To be honest I was so shy at first , to publish our blog  on the net.  But I thought it might be nice for us to share something about us with others and that this blog would be a commemoration  for us in the future. I would like to write about daily topic, something we think, feel...
It's first time for me to write about my relationship...I think there might be people who have a similar experience, like us, having long distance relationship, with different cultural backgrounds. They might have chance to find this blog and read this.
Nice to meet you :)