Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Country Skies and Rain-Clouds, Following Record Downfalls in Queensland.

a view outside my room

I am back at Lucas Camp #94.
This is my second hitch at 94 since we had closed down a few months ago.
Recently there has been an extremely high amount of rain, breaking records, and causing widespread flooding. 
I hope the rain will decrease by the time Aco comes. The seems to be have been falling each day for the last 2-3 weeks. 
The last two days have been dry where we are, with rain-clouds scattered here and there around our camp.
Work has been ok. I have been feeling a bit tired with this work. I can sense I have grown slightly averted to the culture of the mining camps, as well as the day to day tasks of this work. I will continue working, as long as I can. After-all this job helps me save a decent amount of money, which will help me fulfill my goals.

1 comment:

  1. You have changed the design! :)
    there are nice photos, I can see the big sky, beautiful.
    I hope we will have presant weather for our holiday.
