Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Adam @ Cooper Basin

I just finished my first shift at Santos Camp #2 in the Cooper Basin, South Australia.
This is the third camp at which I have worked, since starting this job in February this year. After just one day, I am confident in saying that this camp is by far the easiest and most enjoyable camp I have worked at.
I had a number of compliments on the lunch I had prepared, which was: Beef Scallopini, Chili chicken legs, BBQ chicken wings, and all the sides... steamed vegetables, pasta, boiled potatoes with herb butter, salad, fruit. All very simple foods, which is just what they want to eat out here.

Here is an example of a simple meal that was even too fancy for a workers who exclaimed: "just throw it on the plate, I'm about to tear it up anyway"
It was, Braised Lamb, Sweet Potato Mash, Steamed green Vegetables and Gravy. Most of these workers just want meat, gravy, bread, potato, and a few vegetables frozen or fresh doesn't seem to matter. I have to be careful not to make the meals too refined for this causes fear in the grunts who are like eternal infants, or a sort of red neck of the outback. I must remark that some of the rig workers are from overseas or grew up near a culturally rich area and they enjoy a variety of foods. But since they, like me, are part of the minority in such remote locations, we get on by following the ways of the country bumpkins. Speech must be course, rough, and crude, even when speaking positively. The more curse words, the better you fit in. By ignoring any higher intuition and reasoning, one gets on and can exist here without too much tension.

There is no mobile internet or mobile phone signal at all where we are.
I'm fortunate to have an internet connection in my bedroom, via the camp satellite. This way I can keep in contact with Aco. I send Good Morning! and Good Night! emails or messages os MSN. If Aco and I are both online at the same time we can chat. Happy :)

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