Monday, December 13, 2010

15days left Before leaving Tokyo

We have 15 days left before our next meeting!

I'm really looking forward to seeing you Adam, and I am happy to be next to you again soon.

At the same time, I become more worried about my work.

Since we will have investigation in January I have to do more work,  more than I expected.

In the end of the year, each year, we are normaly busier than ordinary time. And I should prepare for the time during which I will be absent from work.

Noone can replace me :( so I'm a bit worried about my company....

Anyway we have only 15days left and I think I should do what I can do right now to get ready for our holiday and for my work as well.

I hope I can be well prepared before i leave tokyo.


  1. aw Aco...
    can you let your customers know that you will have a Holiday?
    maybe they can wait until you get back :)

    thats a nice flower photo, where is that rose? near your apartment?
    please try your best, and work hard before you come to Australia.
    now it's 13 days until our holiday :) xx

  2. this rose is taken when i went to the park in shinjuku with my parents when they came to Tokyo.
    I took many photos of roses so i will put more roses's photos :) Yes, I will work hard !!
