Sunday, November 28, 2010

One day in Autumn, Tokyo

I went to the dentist to have my teeth checked.

I go there every 2 months, fortunately there are no serious
poblems with my teeth.
I have had trouble with my gums, I had gingivitis and some cavities so I need to check them to make sure they are not getting worse.

After I finish my dentist appointment,
I always walk through a small park near by.

There are sever
al sakura (Japanesee cherry) trees and it's very beautiful in spring, when the trees are blooming.

On t
his day I found they had nice autumn colours .

the park is not that big but it gave me a happy moment, seeing nature, feeling nature.

1 comment:

  1. Nice photos Aco.

    I miss autumn colors. In Australia there are not many deciduous trees, although there are some, I cant feel that season as part of my life.

    When I was living in New York I very much enjoyed the colors of Autumn. Purple sky in the evening. Orange, Yellow, Red leaves all around.
