Saturday, October 30, 2010

I am Home ただいま!

I am home, after one month at work... Last night I had the best sleep I have had in over one month :)
At this moment I am drinking Sapporo and listening to a mix of music, The cure is currently playing. I have also just completed an order for the first part of Aco's Birthday present. I'm tipsy and becoming excited about the shopping for Aco's Birthday. I almost never drink during the day. I very rarely drink at all. But today, I am feeling impulsive, I feel good, reminiscing about Aco, and the thought of her receiving a nice gift on her Birthday is putting a smile in my heart.
Actually, this year, there are a few gifts which I am happy to buy for Aco. A few months back, I had bought an airline ticket for her to have a holiday with me in Australia, over this New Year, Since an airline ticket is not item which can be wrapped and opened by her on her Birthday, I want to send a few gifts :)

This morning I woke up at 7:00 am!!
This is a special event. I very rarely ever wake up before at least 10:00 am when I am on break. Each time I wake up late, I think I would like to have the energy to get up at an early hour, to enjoy the waking world in the early hours. Usually I go to bed quite late, so I also sleep late. Today, this morning I felt so well rested, that staying in bed seemed unnatural. And now it is almost mid day, I have already been to the grocery store, pharmacist, bought Aco a Birthday present, and now I am tipsy haha... I plan to enjoy this break as much as possible, I'm off to a good start.

Last night, I told Aco that I would be online, Skype and MSN, when she returns home from work, and that I would sleep until the time when she arrives home. What actually happened was I fell asleep hard and quick, without realizing that I left my computer on my bed unplugged. I guess within a few hours my laptop went to sleep as well, since there was no power plugged into it. I had only just arrived home last night and I hadn't thought things trough thoroughly. I nodded off, and I missed an opportunity to greet Aco online for the first time in one month. I am truly sorry for that Aco :( I will plug in my computer next time.

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