Friday, October 15, 2010

Dreaming about you, Aco.

Last night I dreamt of you, Aco.
We were together, it was your home town, but the location was completely unlike the place in which you really live. In my dream, not far from your home, we walked by a cliff side. Long, vibrant green grass and vines grew in thickets and hung over the edge. A chain fence ran along a footpath through the grass to a flight of stairs which lead to where your apartment was.  Over the cliff side, a deep valley chasm, mist rising before a waterfall at the other side. The colors were deep and dark green, around the waterfall was colored by rich brown earth. Enormous tall trees grew along the river banks on the far side.  Vines hung down like necklaces from the branches. It was amazing, the feeling of being by this valley.

During the dream we seemed to be stuck in a perpetual loop of arriving at this cliff side. Each time there was a different aspect of the area which stood out noticeably. At times, we were confronted by danger, other times I had to protect you, Aco, from people who wished to harm you. And at other times we simply stood by the cliff in awe of the beauty and the tragedy.
In one instance, there was a lot of pollution. Papers in the grass, and papers, wrappers, scraps of human waste were being carried by the wind and hung in the mist like ascending white birds. I remember feeling shocked by this sight. I was moved by the beauty of the natural world, and at the same time mournful over the pollution which seemed to be at battle with the purity to the natural world... As if the wind not only carried the papers, it was fighting to be rid of them. The wind could not clear it all away... the papers span around and back down, circling and scattering around the land. I felt a sadness which seemed to be the sadness of the world itself. I could feel the sadness and longing of the earth to be free from the harm which the human world imposes on it, and the sadness of witnessing something pure and beautiful fall into darkness.

We returned time and again to this cliff side path. It seemed as if that was the only setting for the dream, I can't recall us being anywhere else. I remember you, Aco, were so beautiful in my dream (as you are in real life). You felt so special to me, you were pure as the earth was. I wanted to save you, as well as the earth from the cruelty of men, of humankind. I believe this was the theme and mood of my dream. I wanted to preserve the purity I felt in you as well as in the chasm of the valley, and witness the end of harmful ways.

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