Thursday, November 25, 2010

lovely rabbit

"in the quiet country, 
under the trees and shrubs, amongst the grass and hiding in burrows
there are rabbits...
they never speak, 
they quietly sit, 
or hop, 
or scurry when they feel it is time.
they love to nibble on grasses,
and flowers,
and have a nap when they are tired, 
or nestle, down under the earth, with their families.
the natural world loves rabbits too and treats them kindly
giving them land and trees and open fields to jump and hop around
making the earth soft and rich, so that rabbits can make homes within it
the earth loves having rabbits digging holes and sleeping quietly under its surface
mother nature gave them soft little bodies, which beautifully express their peaceful, gentle nature.
we can learn a lot from rabbits.

having a rabbit close to you, and loving her, will certainly make you happy
for she is a blessing."

1 comment:

  1. Rabbits are very peacefuly animal on this planet.
    They dont have voice, they can only communicate with their lovely body. It's always nice to look at them, they give me a precious moment they make me happy too :)
    thanks for creating a poem for rabbits.
