Monday, October 11, 2010

About Our Blog

We are Adam and Aco. Hello! こんにちは! We are a happy couple, who successfully maintain a long distance relationship. This is Adam writing, I thought it might be nice for Aco and I to make a blog for ourselves, for fun, and to perhaps share a bit of our story to others who are also in a long distance relationship. Aco gave me the thumbs up, so here I am writing the first entry. I am English, I live in Australia at the moment, and Aco is Japanese, and she lives in Japan.

Adam's Update November 2011: awaiting a Japanese student visa. If I am accepted I will be in Japan in December, living with Aco :)
Welcome to our blog.
こんにちは Adam とAco です。 最初、私は自分たちのブログについて書くなんてとても恥ずかしくて気が引けましたが、自分達の思いを気軽に綴るのもいい記念になるかなと思い、ブログを書くことになりました。
Hello this is Adam  & Aco's blog,  I'm Aco.
To be honest I was so shy at first , to publish our blog  on the net.  But I thought it might be nice for us to share something about us with others and that this blog would be a commemoration  for us in the future. I would like to write about daily topic, something we think, feel...
It's first time for me to write about my relationship...I think there might be people who have a similar experience, like us, having long distance relationship, with different cultural backgrounds. They might have chance to find this blog and read this.
Nice to meet you :)

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