Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Camp #94 Arcadia Valley

Im back at Camp #94 in the Arcadia Valley, Queensland. I've been here since last Friday the 4th November, it is now Wednesday. So far it has been a relatively easy hitch. I am working back to back with Peter (chef) who I had met once before while I was staying overnight at a camp in Roma. Peter seems nice,  he is much older than I am, and had spent many years cooking in the Australian Army.
Today was very quiet, since the rig as well as the camp are being moved to a new location. That means, for a few days, the camp will be quiet while the drilling crew all pack up the rig, move it through town, wash it down, set it up at the new site, all before they will move the camp. I still have to cook for a few workers who are staying behind, and for the other camp staff, Peter and Brian. I am enjoying this quiet time, Peter and Brian both manage to become bored and would rather be busy. We are different in that regard. Im happy to have a period of rest. I still have things I can do.
The camp is moving quiet far, out of the Valley, near Taroom. We should have the camp set-up and running as normal by Sunday or Monday.
Camp # 94, current location.


  1. you've got nice neighbors. :)
    It looks quiet and time flow slowly and peacefully.

  2. Yes, I like these cows. I think they are very calm and peaceful, they only eat grass. Unfortunately when the wild Ozi workers see these cows they only see steaks and food for there mouths, they can't appreciate the cows' peaceful character.
