Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Radiation fear...Pray for Japan

Today, i saw an amateur website that shows readings of the radiation data in Tokyo. He uses a Geiger Meter at his house.  

It showed quite a high level of radiation in Tokyo, almost 5times as normal.
And the News said it was about 20times !!!
I became soooo scared about it, I decided not to go back to my flat today.
It's a wooden building so it's not very safe inside there.
As radiation levels have come back to normal now in Tokyo, I think I would stay at Yoyogi where my offices are located.

I just hope the nuclear plant will cool down, and no more radiation escaping from the plants.
And I hope the people evacuated in north japan will be safe and can have enough food, water, blankets, and warm place to stay.

I pray for people, animals, nature, and Japan.


  1. My Dear Aco
    I can only imagine how scary it must be for you now.
    I am also scared and worried each day. Its hard for me to concentrate on my work.
    I am sending my prayers to you, your family, and Japan.
    I wish this will all go away, I wish the radiation will be contained.
    I wish the country of Japan, and the world will not be poisoned by this nuclear crisis.

    Please take care,
    I wish I could be near you, to comfort and embrace you.
    I miss you so much.

  2. Thank you for posting on our blog.
    When this crisis is over, and Japan is once again safe.
    We can look back at this blog and remember a time in our life when there were many challenges.

    For now, please take care as much as you can.
    Thinking of you x
