Thursday, March 17, 2011

a good work day

I had a good day at work today. For lunch I prepared Apricot Chicken Curry, and Naan Bread. I felt different today, while preparing this food I felt confident.
I had doubts about quantity. I lack experience in cooking this type of dish for more than two or three people. I guessed the amounts, when preparing the Naan, I didn't use a recipe. There were 13 people needing a meal today and the amount I prepared turned out to produce exactly 13 dishes. It was a good feeling. But perhaps, to be a bit more professional I shouldn't rely on chance as I did today. If I had made one less meal, I would be stuck, and I would have trouble at work. Im glad things worked out well.

This meal was really tasty. I tried one mouthful, and I can easily say that it was a good dish.
I was thinking, why did today feel different? Why did things work out, how was I able to produce a meal that I was proud of and personally thought was delicious and worthy of reproducing, for the first time this hitch? When every other meal I cooked this hitch I have doubted and been worried about. I have made many meals since starting work this time around, but none that I felt so proud of, which expressed my abilities
One conclusion did come to mind as to why today was different. Glenn, the chef who was working as my back-to-back and who has gone home this morning. He has been extremely irritating and overbearing to me. Picking on me each day, finding some small insignificant detail. From where I put the bin, to how much ink I use when I write a note on the note-board, the food I serve, how much I serve either its too much or too little, and even judging my personal life. He is very presumptuous in his relationship with me day after day. Im glad he has gone home.
I feel liberated, I can think more clearly. Without his judgement, I feel free to cook more from my heart and express my taste in cooking.

1 comment:

  1. It looks nice Adam :)
    Good job!
    I'm also really glad went back to home.
