Friday, March 25, 2011

刈谷市 Kariya city, my sister's place

Just after Japan Earthquake, I had been so stressed and was afraid about the earthquakes that have been happening many times a day since 11th March 2011.
I couldnt sleep well because the earth is shaking all day....

To forget about the earthquakes for a while I visited my sister's place in Kariya city which is near Nagoya.
I knew she was so busy and I shouldnt stay for long but we had national holiday during that time, so I decided to go there...

I could rest there since I didint worry about quakes and radiation level.
but at the same time i was stressed to stay at her place.

Although I had some difficult time with her I enjoyed visiting her place.
these are photos from when we went to a park where there was an old castle.
we found sakura trees that already bloomed, they were so sweet.

 this is not typical sakura, this has more flowers wirh darker colour. smelled nice :)

1 comment:

  1. ow nice sakura!
    Do you also have a photo of the old castle?
    I'd like to see that.

    Thanks for posting Akiko xxx
