Saturday, March 12, 2011

Poor Japan, a Sad and Terrible Disaster

I am at work now, I am working the morning shift which means I sleep from around 3pm-12am. When I woke to go to work I only just found out about the earthquake and tsunami which has hit Japan.
I am worried about Aco, although I know she is safe now, I wish her life and business will not be greatly effected by this horrible disaster. I also wish that Japanese families and people who have been harmed will have the support of others in their community to recover and get through this hard time.
My best wishes to the people of Japan, and to Aco and her friends and family.
Please be safe.
It is so hard to be away from Aco, when something like this happens it naturally creates an uneasy feeling.
I wish I could be near her, and confirm that she is ok.

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