Saturday, March 5, 2011

First Day of Autumn

In Australia, the first day of Autumn is officially the 1st of March, which was four days ago. But Today, in Brisbane, was the first day that had a real feeling of Autumn. There was a very noticeable feeling of a drop in temperature, and a sense of a descending sun, a lower angle of sunlight across the earth. Perhaps the eye notices this lower angle of light, and the skin notices a feeling of coolness in the air, and the mind has a foresight of cooler and quieter days ahead, stimulating an instinctual feeling of the presence of the new Autumn season.

Autumn is my favorite season, along with spring, but personally, I feel more affinity for the feeling of the Autumn drop. The sombre feeling, of rest and contraction. The world seems gather its energy, expending less each day, trees produce less leaves, animals and birds sleep more and have less activity... I feel the sky, the atmosphere above, seems lower above my head, I feel nurtured, and my senses more present more attentive. There is a sensation of settling, and comfort in Autumn. Perhaps I have a connection, somehow, with the contemplative months of Autumn and Winter, more then I do with the expanding, energetic months of Summer.

Today I feel good. I enjoy the foresight of the contracting world, of cooling down, of nurturing rest and contemplation. I look forward to days of ChiKung きこう, zazen, meditation, warming up with warm winter soups and porridge, hot tea, and restful sleep.

1 comment:

  1. It's so comfortable season in autummn and sprig.
    I also like these seasons.
    Nice to enjoy eating, raeding too.
