Tuesday, March 29, 2011

In the Airport

Today I am flying to Adelaide via Jetstar.
I'm going down to visit my Mother, as well as to pick up a few of my belongings which she has stored for me.
I'll sort through old clothes, and hopefully be able to bring up my tent and camping goods on the return trip. I'm looking forward to pending a few days with Mum and Roger, although it can be boring, Roger is always good fun, and my Mother is very nice to me. 

I'll miss chatting with Akiko on Skype.
I'll take photos in Adelaide and send them to her, or post them on our blog if I can.

Monday, March 28, 2011

oneday at sunday

I had a busy sunday. I had my hair cut in Omotesandou.

Then I had a late luch and went to the mobile shop to apply for internet service at Sakura.

I will move to Sakura next month so I wil need internet there, usually it takes 3 weeks, but as this is not a normal situation in tokyo, it may take more time.

I wanted to talk to Adam on skype but he seemed to be tired after his work.

I think he had a difficult time at work this last time. He worked with a really selfish chef.
and he had been worried about japan, about me and my parents too.

we are having crisis now, unlike any that we have ever had before....

I hope we wont have more victims in north japan and near my parents home Fukushima.

I will go to the tax office to re-declare the last tax payment because they found that we didint pay tax for the last term.

I have to wake up early tomorrow morning.

I wont have much time to talk with Adam, but hope i can say hi before i go out.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Please wait

Akiko, my dearest friend and loved one, I miss you so much.

I remember your kind touch,
your relaxing atmosphere,
your beautiful eyes,
your soothing voice,
your calm nature,
your soft touch,
your cute cheek.

I wish you are well,
I hope you can wait for me,
to return.
to be by your side.

Can you remember walking together?
Under an Umbrella while the rain fell,
by roses,
and temples,
and tall trees?
Can you remember,
drinking sake,
eating Izakaya food?
Can you remember riding bikes together,
and finding a waterfall,
where we ate pastries,
and drank beer,
watching birds bathe in the water,
and gathered clean plants from the pond for dear Lapita?

When I am with you
I feel inspired,
I feel gentle,
I feel at home,
I feel love and admiration.
I wish you are well.
Please wait, for me.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Animal Well-being

Akiko and I have each sponsored an endangered animal through the non-profit organization WWF. I chose the Leatherback Turtle, and Aco chose a Rock Wallaby. Our sponsorship money goes towards protecting their natural habitat from exploitation. I hope our small contribution can help in some way.

Oh, and we also received a plush turtle toy. It's cute. I will send the toy to Akiko, along with her Adoption booklet. 

We made the donation via the WWF website. 

Friday, March 25, 2011

刈谷市 Kariya city, my sister's place

Just after Japan Earthquake, I had been so stressed and was afraid about the earthquakes that have been happening many times a day since 11th March 2011.
I couldnt sleep well because the earth is shaking all day....

To forget about the earthquakes for a while I visited my sister's place in Kariya city which is near Nagoya.
I knew she was so busy and I shouldnt stay for long but we had national holiday during that time, so I decided to go there...

I could rest there since I didint worry about quakes and radiation level.
but at the same time i was stressed to stay at her place.

Although I had some difficult time with her I enjoyed visiting her place.
these are photos from when we went to a park where there was an old castle.
we found sakura trees that already bloomed, they were so sweet.

 this is not typical sakura, this has more flowers wirh darker colour. smelled nice :)


 The dough

 Portioned and Rolled

Seasoned and Baked Focaccia

 The final Product... not perfect, but it was very tasty.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Parcel from Adam

I called to the post office today to ask if they get a parcel from Adam.

They said it would  be arriving on friday but they already have it today, thursday.

I picked  it up, opened it.

I was surprised ! 

That was shampoo and comditionaer !!  and towel.!

I liked this shampoo and conditioner it when i was in Ozi and he bought that towel for me to use.

Thank  you,  Adam. 

I will enjoy using them. :)

btw, I have changed a design of image, i like it without black frame. what do you think?

Tokyo water, high radiation

I saw news today that the tap water in tokyo has high radiation. Children under 1 year old should not drink tap water.
I knew it would happen in the near future, so I already bought bottle of waters.
but I'm afraid to live in the east of japan after this crisis.

I went to my sisters place for about 5days but its also not easy to stay with her.
we are so different in life style. she wakes up in the very early morining like 5:30am and I wake up around 10am...
in the end, she was upset at me and said very strong words try to wake me up, even though i was so tired.

I tried my best to wake up early and cooked for her, cleaned bath room.
but just one day i couldn't wake up at 6am, then she got so angry at me and she said I'm sick person.
she said that i should go to the hospital, and that I cant live normally....very strong words....
I was hurt by her words and said i would go home, but she didn't allow me to do so.

she asked me to go out to cinema after that, I didint want to argue with her so i went there.
I just wish she can relax more, she gets so tensed and stressed about her life, and about other people.
I wish I could help her more...

I also feel sorry about Adam because i couldnt have much time to talk with him either on msn, skype.
I know this is not good for us but im having a difficult time after earthquake.
but as he is trying to help me and support me I feel I'm not alone and i can be strong when i feel his support.

this sounds a bit strange but for me this crisis made me feel a more strong connection with Adam.
I can feel I have him close to me, his love makes me feel more close to him.

but i know he doesnt think like me, I'm sorry Adam.
I'm happy to be with you even if im not close to you geographically.
My heart is always with you my Teddy :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The world outside my door

Outside my bedroom door, there is a wide open country and many clouds hanging in the blue sky .
I love to see these clouds, and look in admiration at the infinite blue sky. Hearing the wind brushing the tall grass and trees I felt like going for a walk.
As I was walking back to my room I saw a rabbit run across the road outside our camp.
I couldn't find him in the end.
But it was nice to feel the wind and sun on my skin, to feel the silence of this country is to heal my troubled mind. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Pray for Lapita うさぎ

In this world, there are very special, cute, gentle beings called rabbits.
One rabbit in particular is very special. He is Lapita... 
He stands in the door way of his house and says, ”ぼくはラピタ。ペレトどこですか?”
He has special powers. 
At night, when his Mum is sleeping, he sends his energy throughout the house to protect her, and heal her. He is very calm, and always lets people touch his head for good luck.
Sometimes, because this world is full of stress and harmful elements, he can also become tired and sometimes his tummy will be upset. He is a living being on this earth, so he also needs time to rest, and before too long he will recover. He has good food, and love from others which helps him be strong.
We love you Lapita, Please get well soon. xxx

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Radiation Map

Here is a link to an interactive map which shows the level of radiation in the air over Japan.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

a good work day

I had a good day at work today. For lunch I prepared Apricot Chicken Curry, and Naan Bread. I felt different today, while preparing this food I felt confident.
I had doubts about quantity. I lack experience in cooking this type of dish for more than two or three people. I guessed the amounts, when preparing the Naan, I didn't use a recipe. There were 13 people needing a meal today and the amount I prepared turned out to produce exactly 13 dishes. It was a good feeling. But perhaps, to be a bit more professional I shouldn't rely on chance as I did today. If I had made one less meal, I would be stuck, and I would have trouble at work. Im glad things worked out well.

This meal was really tasty. I tried one mouthful, and I can easily say that it was a good dish.
I was thinking, why did today feel different? Why did things work out, how was I able to produce a meal that I was proud of and personally thought was delicious and worthy of reproducing, for the first time this hitch? When every other meal I cooked this hitch I have doubted and been worried about. I have made many meals since starting work this time around, but none that I felt so proud of, which expressed my abilities
One conclusion did come to mind as to why today was different. Glenn, the chef who was working as my back-to-back and who has gone home this morning. He has been extremely irritating and overbearing to me. Picking on me each day, finding some small insignificant detail. From where I put the bin, to how much ink I use when I write a note on the note-board, the food I serve, how much I serve either its too much or too little, and even judging my personal life. He is very presumptuous in his relationship with me day after day. Im glad he has gone home.
I feel liberated, I can think more clearly. Without his judgement, I feel free to cook more from my heart and express my taste in cooking.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Trying to stay Up-To-Date about the Crisis in Japan

Aco has sent me a link to a amateur website that gives regularly updated readings from his Geiger Meter. This person lives in Tokyo. http://park18.wakwak.com/~weather/geiger_index.html
I found another site made by someone living in Tokyo with all sorts of news about what is happening.

Aco is quite scared about the radiation that is in the air around Tokyo. Radiation is carried by the wind from the Nuclear Plants in Fukushima.
I am also worried about this, especially for her parents since they live in Fukushima. I wish Aco and her parents could move away from this danger.
I know Aco is doing her best, and being quite strong I think. She is staying in Tokyo still, trying to work. I wish she could leave there, it's hard to know what is best. To stay in Tokyo and keep her business running, or escape the radiation and wait a few days in a safe place.
She is doing well. あこちゃんがんばってください。

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Radiation fear...Pray for Japan

Today, i saw an amateur website that shows readings of the radiation data in Tokyo. He uses a Geiger Meter at his house.  

It showed quite a high level of radiation in Tokyo, almost 5times as normal.
And the News said it was about 20times !!!
I became soooo scared about it, I decided not to go back to my flat today.
It's a wooden building so it's not very safe inside there.
As radiation levels have come back to normal now in Tokyo, I think I would stay at Yoyogi where my offices are located.

I just hope the nuclear plant will cool down, and no more radiation escaping from the plants.
And I hope the people evacuated in north japan will be safe and can have enough food, water, blankets, and warm place to stay.

I pray for people, animals, nature, and Japan.

Monday, March 14, 2011

First Good News in 3 days

Today Aco told me that she has finally heard from her Parents who live in Fukushima, around 50 kms from the Nuclear Power Plant that was damaged during the Earthquake and is currently in a critical state. Aco, as well as myself, have been worried about her Lapita, and her parents since she hasnt been able to contact them before today. But we now know that they are alive and doing what they can to be safe in an area of Japan that is currently highly dangerous due to radiation leaking from the near-by Nuclear Plants.

Before this afternoon I have been feeling quite sad and worried, I know the situation is still quite dangerous at the moment, but at least we can know that Aco's parents are alive and unharmed. Great news!

Please be well Mr. and Mrs. Sudo.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Poor Japan, a Sad and Terrible Disaster

I am at work now, I am working the morning shift which means I sleep from around 3pm-12am. When I woke to go to work I only just found out about the earthquake and tsunami which has hit Japan.
I am worried about Aco, although I know she is safe now, I wish her life and business will not be greatly effected by this horrible disaster. I also wish that Japanese families and people who have been harmed will have the support of others in their community to recover and get through this hard time.
My best wishes to the people of Japan, and to Aco and her friends and family.
Please be safe.
It is so hard to be away from Aco, when something like this happens it naturally creates an uneasy feeling.
I wish I could be near her, and confirm that she is ok.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The first date of the workshop

For the last weekend I had a workshop in Itou, Izu where is just next to the west coast Ocean,Japan.
This is famouse for a good "onsen" hot spring and also the place for vacance.

We headed to the small Island called "Hatsushima" which is quite small island.

On a way to there I've met many seagulls followed by us for some food to given by the custmers on a ferry.

I quite enjoyed just looking at them frying very close to us, tring catch some snack.

Accutually they could do it very well for catching throwed from a ferry deck.

this is the ferry

I got an eye contact with her!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

First Day of Autumn

In Australia, the first day of Autumn is officially the 1st of March, which was four days ago. But Today, in Brisbane, was the first day that had a real feeling of Autumn. There was a very noticeable feeling of a drop in temperature, and a sense of a descending sun, a lower angle of sunlight across the earth. Perhaps the eye notices this lower angle of light, and the skin notices a feeling of coolness in the air, and the mind has a foresight of cooler and quieter days ahead, stimulating an instinctual feeling of the presence of the new Autumn season.

Autumn is my favorite season, along with spring, but personally, I feel more affinity for the feeling of the Autumn drop. The sombre feeling, of rest and contraction. The world seems gather its energy, expending less each day, trees produce less leaves, animals and birds sleep more and have less activity... I feel the sky, the atmosphere above, seems lower above my head, I feel nurtured, and my senses more present more attentive. There is a sensation of settling, and comfort in Autumn. Perhaps I have a connection, somehow, with the contemplative months of Autumn and Winter, more then I do with the expanding, energetic months of Summer.

Today I feel good. I enjoy the foresight of the contracting world, of cooling down, of nurturing rest and contemplation. I look forward to days of ChiKung きこう, zazen, meditation, warming up with warm winter soups and porridge, hot tea, and restful sleep.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hinamatsuri  ひな祭り


Today, 3rd March we celebrate a day for girls.

There is a Doll festival that is for wishing and celebrating girl's growth and happiness.

Most families with little girls display beautiful dolls in ancient court costomes called 'hina' at their home.

we offer diamond shaped rice cakes and alcohol-free sweet sake to the dolls.

Little girls also eat colored cubic rice crackers, drink sweet sake, and enjoying viewing the dolls.

We decorate with peach flowers for the dolls.

I bought this peach flower for today's celebration.

this one has not yet bloomed, but it has big buds, they will be blooming soon.

This next photo is of the 'hina ninngyou" special dolls at my parents home.
My mother decorates for me and my sister every year in this season.
She sent me this photo. :)
I refer some information of hina ningyo.
A trasditionl set of dolls is laid out on a seven stepped stage.
A formal set of hina dolls consists of the Enperore and the Enpress, three court leadies, five musicians, two ministers and three servants.
They are arranged on five or seven stepped shelves that are covered by a red cloth.
The word hina means a small doll. In the ancient days, people made dolls by themselves that threw the dools into a river along with offerings.
It was believed that sickness and ill fortune would flow away down the river with them.
Today hina dolls are sold in specially shops or department stores but they are very expensive.
Therefore they are customarily handed down for generations.
Every year my parents decorate these dolls for us since we were children.
They look almost the same since that day, beautiful sweet dolls.
I appreciate for them and my mother.