Thursday, April 14, 2011

Workshop in Okayama ~ Photos

These are the photos taken in Okayama April 2011

 Sensei used to go this shrin when he was child.
there are huge stones, secret stones.

                                             Okayama's famouse fish called "sawara" they are expensive fish.
                                               I enjoyed this sahimi :)

                                                            By the river in Okayama city, with beautiful sakura hehe.

                                          the Castle Okayama

                                                           at the park near the castle, called "kourakuen"


  1. Such nice photos Aco :) !!
    You look genki, it's good for my heart... to see your cheerful face
    You look cute with your leg up haha!

    And this place Okayama... おもしろいです。

  2. Aco you have taken some really nice photos
    It's nice to see them
