Monday, February 21, 2011

Surprising Flood in Cafe

This afternoon I planned to take the bus to a park near my house. When I left the house it was sunny, but as I approached the city on the bus I noticed there were very dark storm clouds approaching the city from the South-East. I decided to stay on the bus, as I was certain that I would be trapped in heavy rains if I entered the park. I went all the way to the city instead and decided to take shelter in a cafe and watch the storm, there was very heavy rain and lightning. I had a coffee in a cafe next to Jade Buddha where Aco and I had lunch one a fine Sunday in January.
I really enjoy watching storms and observing the weather. The feeling I get from thunderstorms is always stimulating and exciting. I can forget all worldly troubles whenever there is a thunderstorm. I feel attracted to the life of clouds. High energy weather systems remind me of the great power of the natural world.

1 comment:

  1. oh, that looks serious....
    Please be carefull, I hope it wont be a big flood again.
    you've captured a nice movie, btw. :P
