Monday, February 14, 2011

Communication ability

I talked about writing on our blog and my Japanese blog with Adam today.

I thought I wrote more about my personal feelings and thoughts on this blog more than Japanese one, I try to write something here when I can find a time to write.

He said that he wanted to read my thoughts here, I'm sorry I didn't realize that he wished that.

As English is not my mother tongue I feel I can't express my feelings and thoughts freely.

I'm a bit lazy also so I tend to write simple words and I think this is my ability of writing English.

If I could express myself more freely in English then I'd write more easily on this blog.

I wish I could write and speak in English as well as in Japanese.

Although I have difficulty writing in English, since I started writing here I found that I have improved a bit, because Adam helped by correcting my mistakes.

It's quite helpful, I can learn how to use better English.

I don't want to stop learning things until my life would end.

I want to learn something even thnough it might be a small thing, I can find a joy in learning.

1 comment:

  1. It's up to you what you do Aco
    This blog is our place to share what is happening in our lives.
    If you write about yourself, your feelings, your life, I can feel close to you.
    The more you share with me, the more our connection extends across the world.
    After our holiday in Oz, you didn't write anything.
    You said it is because I wrote something first. It seemed you didn't have any thing to share, I did wonder why.
    Sometimes your mind is like a locked door, I wish sometimes you could open up and invite me in :)
