Saturday, February 26, 2011

Cruise Ship on the Brisbane River

 On the way back from the markets this morning, we saw a cruise ship anchored on the Brisbane river.
This ship looked so huge, as I looked up at the bridge of the ship I noticed a man cleaning the windows of the ship very high above. He looked so small compared to the size of the ship. I thought it must be an interesting job, perhaps.

Home-Baked Bread, Open Toasted Sandwich

Toasted home-made bread, Organic Butter, Vegemite, Avocado, Cool Steamed Pumpkin. I told Aco what I made for lunch, she seemed to be a bit skeptical, maybe my sandwich is a bit unusual... haha. 
I wanted to try something different, and actually I thought it was delicious, nice sweet and savory tastes, with crispy toasted rye-sourdough bread. 

早起き Waking up in a morning




早起きできた理由・・・それは、Adam との会話で少し元気がでたことかもしれません。







Adam が 仕事から帰ってきて自宅生活に戻ったとたん、今までずっとSkype 毎日、



帰っても、Adam はもう寝ているし、起こしちゃ悪いし、なんかとっても悲しくなって、



そして、ある晩、お話ししたいと私から声をかけて久しぶりにSkype で話したら、

すごく気持ちが楽になって、自分でもびっくりしました。 :P

やっぱり Adam は 私の人生のかなりをしめているな~と実感しました。


Friday, February 25, 2011

Organic Vegetable Garden Pt.2

Jalapeno Chili Peppers
 Cherry Tom"ah"toes
 Aloe Vera
 Mesclun Salad Greens
The Whole Family
Our Basil plant had grown so much! It's amazing to see how quickly things can grow. The Basil looks so healthy and strong. I sometimes eat his tasty leaves when I give him water and thank him for being so genki.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Low-Sugar Crumble

Low-Sugar Rhubarb Crumbles.
Using healthier Ingredients such as Tofu Powder, and sugar free sweeteners made in Japan, and with only a fraction of brown sugar that would normally be used in such a dessert.
The taste was fine, slightly bland, just needed a bit more spice and sweetener, and perhaps a slightly different method to enrich the taste. I have some ideas for the next attempt.

Today's flower

As I work at the office alone most of the time, I tend to feel getting bored working and sometimes it's difficult to concentrate on my work.

I know I dont have so much passion for my work and easy to day dreaming in front of computer.
Because of that reason I try to keep my office as a comfortable and relaxed space as possible as I can.

These are sweetpeas and freesia. :)
they smells nicely sweet...

And thsi is beautiful flower, Rose from Adam.

This rose has deep red colour, almost like blood colour that gives me energy.

しあわせ~ :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Surprising Flood in Cafe

This afternoon I planned to take the bus to a park near my house. When I left the house it was sunny, but as I approached the city on the bus I noticed there were very dark storm clouds approaching the city from the South-East. I decided to stay on the bus, as I was certain that I would be trapped in heavy rains if I entered the park. I went all the way to the city instead and decided to take shelter in a cafe and watch the storm, there was very heavy rain and lightning. I had a coffee in a cafe next to Jade Buddha where Aco and I had lunch one a fine Sunday in January.
I really enjoy watching storms and observing the weather. The feeling I get from thunderstorms is always stimulating and exciting. I can forget all worldly troubles whenever there is a thunderstorm. I feel attracted to the life of clouds. High energy weather systems remind me of the great power of the natural world.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Gifts from Aco

I returned home from work yesterday. After changing my clothes and watering the plants I walked to the post office to pick up a package. It was a box of gifts from Aco. She sent Chocolates, Japanese and Chinese Sweeteners, Tofu Powder, Black Garlic, and some Japanese Sweets for Phil.

The Chocolates are from a French Chocolate shop in Japan, I ate two yesterday, they were delicious! Thank you Aco, I look forward to cooking with these nice products. Oh, and Phil enjoyed his gift as well.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Communication ability

I talked about writing on our blog and my Japanese blog with Adam today.

I thought I wrote more about my personal feelings and thoughts on this blog more than Japanese one, I try to write something here when I can find a time to write.

He said that he wanted to read my thoughts here, I'm sorry I didn't realize that he wished that.

As English is not my mother tongue I feel I can't express my feelings and thoughts freely.

I'm a bit lazy also so I tend to write simple words and I think this is my ability of writing English.

If I could express myself more freely in English then I'd write more easily on this blog.

I wish I could write and speak in English as well as in Japanese.

Although I have difficulty writing in English, since I started writing here I found that I have improved a bit, because Adam helped by correcting my mistakes.

It's quite helpful, I can learn how to use better English.

I don't want to stop learning things until my life would end.

I want to learn something even thnough it might be a small thing, I can find a joy in learning.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine's gift from Adam

Thank you very mucy for your beautiful and cute Valentine's Day present.

This morning, I had a delivery at home around 10am.

I didin't expect that it was Valentine's gift, so it was a happy surprise!

As I haven't got vase at home, I brought these flowers with me to my office.

I thought i would be good to look at them while working. They can ease my stress and I think sensei can enjoy them as well.



I will keep little curly bear at my home and will talk to him everyday when i go home.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bread Rolls pt.2

Today I baked some sesame pretzel style bread rolls, I enjoyed baking today. I'll make more soon.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Flowers at my work

These are flowers for spring.

There are a nice florist where I always enjoyed watching them.

I wanted to have positive energy with full of life because I had to face with the hard time as ever in my life.

I bought some flowers for having a good ki energy in my office.

Adam sent me beautiful flowers for his gifts to me somtimes, this is why I norticed that flower had raised my low energy up for positive stage.

Since then I try to be myself in that good enviroment for better work and state of my mind.

Tey are early cherry blossoms and orange roses and ...
I dont remember the name :p

Friday, February 4, 2011

An early suprise!

I've got a present from Adam again :)

This is a valentine's gift.

I didn't expect to have it so early,

so I was surprised when it was delivered today.

I'm very Happy to receive such a lovely gift.

I feel this ring is very special, I feel Adam cares for me.

I'm so grateful for him and his love.

Sweet Slices

I have baked a few fruit slices recently at work. The recipes are from the Common Sense Guide to Baking book. Each recipe I have tried from this book has turned out well. I am pleased that I had bought this cheap and useful book, with many basic, and classic recipes. 

Apricot Short Cake Slice. These were really nice, soft rich pastry, crunchy top, and soft chewy Apricot filling.
Crunchy Chewy Fruit and Nut Slice. Also nice.

Bread Rolls

I made bread rolls at work, I have made loafs of bread before but I have never made rolls. I used a recipe from a Baking Cookbook which I bought to use as a reference while at work. The bread came out reasonably well, a bit chewy. I think the recipe is good, perhaps next time I will try to knead the dough for less time.
Before Baking
After Baking