Monday, June 6, 2011

So much to catch up on

Hi, Adam here :)
I realize after looking at our blog, and taking some time now that I am home on my break from work, that there are many topics which could be posted on this blog which haven't.
I mean, there are important things, which Aco or I might like to remember some time in the future. I'll do my best to post what I can, to catch up.

Aco is so busy these days. This year has been very challenging for her I think. It seems she has to spend much energy on maintaining her business during this time...
I know, she would write a bit about it, if she had the time.
I also have been busy at work these last few months. It has been good, challenging in new ways, but not as extreme as what my dear has been going through. I wish she is well today, taking rest when she can.

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