Thursday, June 9, 2011

引っ越し完了! Finished moving

I have been busy preparing for moving out of my old office.

I had to clean the office also, that took me more than 3 hours yesterday, and I handed the keys to the real estate company today.

I finally finished!!  It was such a big move, the biggest that I had ever had. We had a large amount of boxes and furniture and also LOTS of precious stones.

At times there were three people, including me, preparing for this, but mainly sensei and I did it.
Off couse we hired a moving company to help us to move. They couldnt move all of if at one time because there are soooo many things. So we had to move 3 times.

The first move there were 3 people, then 3 more workers joined and 2 ton trucks.
The second move, there were about 6 staff and a 4 ton truck, and the last move there were 7 staff and a 2 ton truck and a 1.5 ton truck.

I didint sleep at all at night on the last moving day, i mean i couldn't finish it if i had slept. So I had to stay awake all night.

After I finished moving, i have many boxes in our new unit at Sakura, at the new office. Now I need to clean and unpack and organize things so that this space can be used for normal work.

It may take a while to do that, but i should make more space for the upcoming seminars.
We will have seminars here next week.

I'm sorry for Adam that i hardly can have time to chat and relax.
I'm a bit tense and worried, until I finish unpacking.

I hope he wont get bored with me because i can't have time with him.....
and I hope he can go back to work soon, he was supposed to work from this tuesday.
so that he can be happy.

I just wish he can understand my situation. This time is a bit harsh for me to face, it is a difficult time.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for writing Aco :)
    you are doing well!
    I know this year has been very hard for you.
    I wish I could be there to help move and organize your office.

