Sunday, May 15, 2011

Home Again - a success, first hitch at Lucas Camp #26 completed

I arrived home Tuesday around 2pm, fatigued from not sleeping in over 24 hours, and slightly sick from a bumpy plane ride in an 8 seater plane.

It's good to be home again. I only have 6 days off before going back to camp 26 for another 2 weeks. My last hitch can be considered as a success after the many questionable hitches I have worked before the last. Although each hitch provides some growth and insight, I am usually left wondering if my work, literally the meals I cook, are enjoyed by the workers I am catering for.
This last hitch was different. I was given numerous compliments on my meals, desserts, biscuits. The workers were obviously easy to please, and perhaps I have learned how to more appropriately cater for the tastes of the rugged mining industry workers in Australia.

Tonight I will cook Mushroom soup for dinner, and Plum Crunchy Nut Crumble for dessert.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to be back home :)
    okaerinasai, sorry my comment is a bit late to say this.
    hope you can relax until you start to work again.
