Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Back at Lucas Camp #26 (first day completed, a fresh approach to working)

I am trying to adopt a new approach to my life at work. Out of habit, As I work, I rush and as the days pass, my mind becomes more and more agitated. Most of the time it is necessary, to work quickly. Working in a kitchen can be hectic at times. I have learned to work as quick and as hard as I can manage, to prevent being caught behind and swamped with too many tasks and not enough time to complete them.
I have had two weeks off before coming back to work this time. To be honest, while I was home I felt pretty tired and run down, I couldn't enjoy my time off. My last hitch at work left me feeling drained, tired, tight and sore.
I realize that I feel down when I am sore and tight, the physical sensation of stress remaining in my body causes me to feel burdened, heavy. I am reluctant to stretch and practice Kikou and zazen because the weight of my sensations gets the better of me. So this time I am starting a new approach to work, to act more carefully while I work. I hope, by being more attentive to my needs and caring for my body and mind as I work, when I return home after two weeks I will enjoy my time off and be more productive.

Today, I made time to sit down, have some tea, have a healthy breakfast, and bowl of Miso Shiru for dinner. I also went for a run after I finished work, massaged my shoulder and leg, and practiced Kikou before having a shower.
In town, along the way to Roma, where the bus makes a stop for lunch in Miles, I bought Oat milk and Soy Milk. From home I brought with me, Linseed bran, Flaxseed Oil, Rakanka, Japanese Black Tea, Dashi, Miso Shiru, Chamomile Tea, Dried Shitake and Wakame.
I will do my best to not let my habit of rushing and being tense at work lead me to a worse existence. I know it is up to me to take control and act wisely, making good effort to stretch at the end of the day, to release myself from the confines of a tense body and mind, and try to have a more gentle state of mind as I work. Instead of allowing myself to be more tense then is necessary, as I usually do, all the while waiting to enjoy my life when I get home. My time off is hard to enjoy when I have spent two weeks allowing the tension to build up in my mind and body, and basically deny my conscience it's inherent nature, to wisely influence my actions.
I am alive, wherever I am, and however bad or good I may feel. I am still living. Life will not wait for me. I'll do my best to take better care each day.

While I was running, there were rain clouds all around. The rain did not fall on me, I was lucky.

1 comment:

  1. I think the first day of working and anything you start is the most important how you start your days. It's good news that you had a good start this time :) I hope your work will be a nice one for this time.
