Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Gifts that enrich my Life

I was in the middle of boukikou (ChiKung) practice when I remembered something important which I keep failing to do. That is, I must write on our blog about the nice gifts I received from Aco!

Aco has once again sent some very fine and useful gifts. I feel it is hard to find gifts in Australia that can match the level of craft and beauty of Japanese goods. Each time I receive something from Aco I am impressed and I appreciate them very much.

This time I received two boxes of black tea, ginger powder, onion powder, and rakanka (sweetener made from dried momordica fruit). These products are very fine, and their use not only enriches my food, and drinks, they also enrich my life!

The ginger powder can be used in cooking as well as in tea. Aco recommended I should use it with the black tea and rakanka, to make a hot and sweet ginger drink during the winter. It's quite nice, I am drinking some as I write this post :)

Thank you Aco! ありがとうございます!

1 comment:

  1. aw, I'm happy to know that you are enjoying food from Japan. :) I hope you can also arrange them with many ways.
