Friday, January 7, 2011

Glass House Mountains

The Glass House Mountains
We spent one day driving around the Glass House Mountain ranges. We climbed the path up to two lookouts, Mount Beerburrum, Wild Horse Mountain, and drove up to the GHM Tourist Lookout. It was a nice day, partly cloudy, no too hot, but I think Aco could feel the strength of the Australian sun even on such a cool and cloudy summer day. We were fortunate to have such mild weather for this time of year.

Mount Coonawrin
Mount Tibrogargan


  1. I was impressed seeing those mountains!!
    they looked so secret place, ancient, mysteriouse power spots in Queensland.

  2. Aco captured the atmosphere of Tibrogargan very well in these photos.
    The presence of these unusual mountains, standing up amongst the trees like old spirits watching over the trees and land below, is quite captivating.
