Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mr Kookaburra

I went to the Botanic Gardens yesterday. I saw the bench near the river where Aco and I rested after having lunch by the Brisbane River. That afternoon we shared the comfort of the good weather, good company, with a nice massage too :)
While I was walking around the park, this time by myself, I found a Kookaburra digging in the dry soil beneath a tree. He looked like he was enjoying himself. As I approached he didnt seem to mind, he continued digging, and once in a while paused to look at me, before sticking his beak in the dirt again. A nice bird, a nice day.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Kookaburra looks cute to me. :)
    I also like birds. They are very interesting to watch and they like to play.
    I wish I could watch him with you at that time.
