Friday, January 14, 2011

Where's Mr. Koala?

Here is a Photo of Mr. Koala of Noosa. We found him sitting in a tree by the ocean as we were on our way back to the car. We had spent around 2.5 hours walking through the park, hoping we could see a wild Koala. We could enjoy the park, but it was a shame that Aco couldn't see a wild Koala. In the end, as we had almost given up looking for Koalas, we heard an interesting sound! It was Mr. Koala, he was calling (barking) for a mate. I heard him as we walked by, we were lucky to find him. At first it was hard to see him amongst the leaves and high branches. 
I edited the photo to make the resolution a bit more clear, and emphasize the Koala's body, making it easier to distinguish him from the surrounding leaves. Have a look... if you cant find him in the first photo, the second one is edited again with a circle around him

Can you find Mr. Koala?

1 comment:

  1. ohhh!!! Mr. Koala!!!!
    yes, finally Adam found him up on trees.
    I couldnt see him well at first but Adam told me where he was.
    I couldnt find him without Adam.
    Thank you again Adam :)
