Saturday, January 29, 2011

Litte Organic Vegetable Garden - Stage 1

 This morning, Phil and I visited the West Side markets, as well as the Northey Street City Organic Farm. We bought three organic seedlings from the nursery. Sweet Basil, Parsley, and Thyme.

 We have been discussing our idea to grow some herbs and vegetables in the space behind the house. I like to eat organic foods, if I can, so together we decided to plant and maintain a small Organic Garden.

 This is sweet Basil.

This is Parsley.

Today is stage one of our vegetable garden. Phil mixed the soil and fertilizer (organic), and I planted the seedlings. It was very easy, but I could enjoy the experience. I feel these little plants are so full of life and fragile. I could feel a warmth within while I gently placed them and packed the soil around. I gave them fresh water, and my wish, for their healthy life, and welcomed them to our home.

And this little guy is Thyme.

I look forward to adopting more plants... It's a nice feeling, to take care of something that is alive.


  1. It could be nice practice for your energy to planting or gardening.
    I hope you can grow fresh, healthy vegitables well, It's so enjoyable!!!

  2. Nice article. And what you're doing is cute. Cute pictures of Basil, Parsley, and Thyme though. I also want to do this behind our house because providing organic vegetables are really good for the environment.
