Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Farewell - Last Day in Brisbane

"Last day in Brisbane, for at least the next year. I expect that I will be away much longer than that. Sitting on a comfy padded seat at a table in the domestic terminal Brisbane. I thought there would be a wireless signal and that I might upload a post to my blog. There isn't.
The flight to Cairns leaves in one hour, we'll probably start boarding soon. After a three hour layover in Cairns I'll be boarding another flight to Narita, Tokyo Japan. With a one year student visa I'll enter Japan. I'll be living together with Aco, a moment I have been dreaming of for over two years. Now, after some hard work and patience I am able to. The feeling is mixed. Just having said farewell, and “see you again soon”to Mum at a coffee stand in the check in lobby. I feel good this time. Sad, but not to the point of tears as I feel that I will see her again soon, and things will be good. I only wish that she will not feel to hurt in parting with me, as we have done many times before. She assured me that this time she feels glad. Glad that I secured a permission to travel for one year. Meaning my application for an Australian resident visa wont be cancelled upon leaving the country and if worst comes to worst I can come back to Australia. Hopefully she can feel also glad about her son following his heart, as anyone should when the time is right. I look forward to our meeting again soon, in Japan."

I had written this while waiting to board my plane. That was around two weeks ago now. Now I have a moment to post it.

1 comment:

  1. I hope your mother wont sad and will be happy for the new year. :) and I hope Adam will be happier here in tokyo with me XX
