Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Enoshima Island

 I went to Enoshima Island, Kanagawa near Katasegawa bay, two days after visiting Oyama-san. I bought a round trip ticket from Shinjuku station. The travel agent, did not give me a good deal. He thought, I could save money just buying a round-trip, instead of a Kamakura-Enoshima day pass. In fact, it would be cheaper to buy the pass, since it gives you access to all the sights which anyone who visits the area would naturally want to see and have to pay for individually without the pass. Regardless, I thoroughly enjoyed my time there. I wish Akiko and I could visit such a place together.

 There is a lighthouse tower on the island. I bought a ticket, and went to the top. There was a good opportunity to take some photos from the high position. It was a beautiful day. Again, I owe my gratitude to Akiko's Sensei, for recommending the location. According to Sensei, the pair, Enoshima and Oyama, are connected in spirit and energy. For a long time, people have traveled from Oyama-san, to the caves at Enoshima. They are believed to be connected as yin and yang. Oyama being Yin, Enoshima Yang. Power-spots are common across Japan. This is a wonderful land, and a wonderful way to observe the power of our home world. Japanese heritage and religion is enriched by a deep sense of respect and appreciation for the land in which they have lived for many ages.


The Enoshima Iwaya Caves, Connected by a walking path.
Many people were on the Island that day. Here are some, fishing and playing, with Fuji-san across the bay.

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