Friday, June 24, 2011

Lapita's Birthday, おめでとうございます!

Happy Birthday to Lapita!  xxx

Today is 23rd June his 6th birthday. :)

I gave him his favourite dried papaia.

Hope he will be always healthy.

I appreciate him for being with me always.

ありがとうございます ラピタ!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Back at Lucas Camp #26 (first day completed, a fresh approach to working)

I am trying to adopt a new approach to my life at work. Out of habit, As I work, I rush and as the days pass, my mind becomes more and more agitated. Most of the time it is necessary, to work quickly. Working in a kitchen can be hectic at times. I have learned to work as quick and as hard as I can manage, to prevent being caught behind and swamped with too many tasks and not enough time to complete them.
I have had two weeks off before coming back to work this time. To be honest, while I was home I felt pretty tired and run down, I couldn't enjoy my time off. My last hitch at work left me feeling drained, tired, tight and sore.
I realize that I feel down when I am sore and tight, the physical sensation of stress remaining in my body causes me to feel burdened, heavy. I am reluctant to stretch and practice Kikou and zazen because the weight of my sensations gets the better of me. So this time I am starting a new approach to work, to act more carefully while I work. I hope, by being more attentive to my needs and caring for my body and mind as I work, when I return home after two weeks I will enjoy my time off and be more productive.

Today, I made time to sit down, have some tea, have a healthy breakfast, and bowl of Miso Shiru for dinner. I also went for a run after I finished work, massaged my shoulder and leg, and practiced Kikou before having a shower.
In town, along the way to Roma, where the bus makes a stop for lunch in Miles, I bought Oat milk and Soy Milk. From home I brought with me, Linseed bran, Flaxseed Oil, Rakanka, Japanese Black Tea, Dashi, Miso Shiru, Chamomile Tea, Dried Shitake and Wakame.
I will do my best to not let my habit of rushing and being tense at work lead me to a worse existence. I know it is up to me to take control and act wisely, making good effort to stretch at the end of the day, to release myself from the confines of a tense body and mind, and try to have a more gentle state of mind as I work. Instead of allowing myself to be more tense then is necessary, as I usually do, all the while waiting to enjoy my life when I get home. My time off is hard to enjoy when I have spent two weeks allowing the tension to build up in my mind and body, and basically deny my conscience it's inherent nature, to wisely influence my actions.
I am alive, wherever I am, and however bad or good I may feel. I am still living. Life will not wait for me. I'll do my best to take better care each day.

While I was running, there were rain clouds all around. The rain did not fall on me, I was lucky.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Fish Curry and Baked Vegetable Rice.

Last night's dinner.

A day at the Gardens with Emma

Last week I went to the Botanic Gardens at Mount Cootha with my childhood friend Emma. Emma and I grew up together in England, our parents were friends when they were young adults before we were born. Since coming into adulthood ourselves, Emma and I don't see each other very often, as we once had many years ago. But still after all these years, after becoming very different in our own ways, I find there is still some appreciation between us.
I often considered that perhaps we had grown in our different ways, and there wasn't much left of our old friendship to sustain us as friends now. But it seems I was wrong. Our day together at the gardens was nice. I was surprised to hear from Emma that she can recall times when I made her laugh, and she remembers that I had entertained her even when we had met 6 years ago. I was surprised because I often consider myself to be too quiet and not entertaining company. It goes to show that my, and perhaps it is true for many people, that our impression of ourselves are often quite different to how other people see us.

This is a reason, among many other reasons, for not taking ourselves too seriously. To spend more energy in letting go rather than compiling an ego. What serves us well is an ability to be refreshed in life. To be new, to feel new in each moment, and allow things to be without our judgement, is to be free.

Emma showed me this interesting musical chair-like, leaf-like art piece. It can be played like a xylophone. She offered to take a photo of me. Thanks Emma, I am usually to shy to have my photo taken.  
These Gardens are quite nice. There are many paths to walk around and I could feel as if I am in a very natural environment. It calms my mind and senses.

Fish Factory - Morningside Brisbane

Yesterday I went to the "Fish Factory" in Morningside. I didn't buy any fish myself, since I had bought Tasmanian Salmon and Australian Snapper at the West End Markets the day before. The reason for going to the Factory was to show a new friend, Satoshi, where he can find whole fresh fish in Brisbane. Satoshi is a marine biologist and has an affection for fish.
This factory is not great when compared to fish markets that can be found in Asia, America, and certainly Japan. A small variety of whole fish that is advertised as being from Australian waters, is the appeal of this Brisbane company, since most other markets (Woolworths and Coles, including markets in China Town) that sell fish are limited in the variety as well as the quality and freshness of their products. As there is an abundance or poor quality fish sold here that is sourced from fish farms in Thailand, Vietnam, and is questionable. The West-End markets in Brisbane are an exception, they have many vendors selling a much better variety then what can be found at most other markets in the Brisbane area.

I was interested to learn from Satoshi, that even at this factory which seems to be a step above the rest, the fish are not very fresh. He showed me that the tissue inside the gills are pale, a sure indicator that the fish are not fresh. He did however find a pink snapper that was in better condition and purchased it.
The Australian market, for fish, vegetables, even books or other novelty goods, is extremely limited in both variety and quality as well as being overpriced. Australia "is" a place that provides an easy life, but generally speaking, fails in providing a stimulating and interesting lifestyle.
The best of what Australia produces are the vegetables and meat, although the variety of vegetables is limited, they are of good quality. The best of Australia's fish are sent oversees to big buyers like Tsukiji in Japan, and very little is left over for Australians. It's not surprising that this is, the way it is, since Australia is closely related to England as far as heritage and traditional food. Fish and chips are still very popular here, and perhaps only within the last ten years has fresh fish become popular with white Australians. When fish is battered and deep fried, it really doesnt matter what type of fish it is, does it? Those who prefer their fish deep fried, I am guessing, don't really love or appreciate fish as it is naturally, and perhaps give little thought to where the fish is from, if it is fresh, and wether it the flesh of a fish that was raised in dirty water farms in Asia.

There are some interesting products here, but they are few and far between. Perhaps, as this country grows and more people from various cultures establish themselves here, more will be produced and sold here. I am not a big consumer, but when I do wish to spend money, to buy a gift, or enjoy some interesting food, I want it to be made with a level of effort, from thoughtfulness, craftsmanship and passion. It would be better to have less of something good, then to have a lot of something poor. If we continue living this way, producing, buying, selling then we should make it worth while. We are treating the resources of this world with little care at times. Let the people who do it well continue, and teach others, and may we learn to show our appreciation for the earth which is providing us with this life.

Since I am here now, I should buy the Australian fish that are being sold. Its terrible for their life to go to waste. They were taken from their home, which is cruel to start. It would be even worse for that life to be wasted, their body thrown to waste, because it couldn't be consumed. This topic unsettles me, there is so much I can and should do to show more appreciation for our world. This is the process of growing up, for me it is going slowely :).

Thursday, June 9, 2011

引っ越し完了! Finished moving

I have been busy preparing for moving out of my old office.

I had to clean the office also, that took me more than 3 hours yesterday, and I handed the keys to the real estate company today.

I finally finished!!  It was such a big move, the biggest that I had ever had. We had a large amount of boxes and furniture and also LOTS of precious stones.

At times there were three people, including me, preparing for this, but mainly sensei and I did it.
Off couse we hired a moving company to help us to move. They couldnt move all of if at one time because there are soooo many things. So we had to move 3 times.

The first move there were 3 people, then 3 more workers joined and 2 ton trucks.
The second move, there were about 6 staff and a 4 ton truck, and the last move there were 7 staff and a 2 ton truck and a 1.5 ton truck.

I didint sleep at all at night on the last moving day, i mean i couldn't finish it if i had slept. So I had to stay awake all night.

After I finished moving, i have many boxes in our new unit at Sakura, at the new office. Now I need to clean and unpack and organize things so that this space can be used for normal work.

It may take a while to do that, but i should make more space for the upcoming seminars.
We will have seminars here next week.

I'm sorry for Adam that i hardly can have time to chat and relax.
I'm a bit tense and worried, until I finish unpacking.

I hope he wont get bored with me because i can't have time with him.....
and I hope he can go back to work soon, he was supposed to work from this tuesday.
so that he can be happy.

I just wish he can understand my situation. This time is a bit harsh for me to face, it is a difficult time.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Gifts that enrich my Life

I was in the middle of boukikou (ChiKung) practice when I remembered something important which I keep failing to do. That is, I must write on our blog about the nice gifts I received from Aco!

Aco has once again sent some very fine and useful gifts. I feel it is hard to find gifts in Australia that can match the level of craft and beauty of Japanese goods. Each time I receive something from Aco I am impressed and I appreciate them very much.

This time I received two boxes of black tea, ginger powder, onion powder, and rakanka (sweetener made from dried momordica fruit). These products are very fine, and their use not only enriches my food, and drinks, they also enrich my life!

The ginger powder can be used in cooking as well as in tea. Aco recommended I should use it with the black tea and rakanka, to make a hot and sweet ginger drink during the winter. It's quite nice, I am drinking some as I write this post :)

Thank you Aco! ありがとうございます!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Quiche and Lasagna - more food from work

It is practical for me to serve dishes that can be made in bulk. For example, a large tray of lasagna, or quiche, can serve fifteen people per tray. It takes less time, and makes my life easier to prepare food this way a few times each week.
 the last slice of Lasagna.
A full tray of Quiche, with Asparagus, Red Capsicum, Bacon, Leek, and Tomato.

Hand Made Bacon and Cheese Rolls

I had baked some rolls at work during the last hitch. They were for a smoko snack during a cold night. I was too busy and tired to upload photos to share with Aco. Sorry dear. 
 Here is one of the smaller Rolls, they dont look great, but they tasted good.
 before baking.
Twenty Hot Rolls.

Monday, June 6, 2011

So much to catch up on

Hi, Adam here :)
I realize after looking at our blog, and taking some time now that I am home on my break from work, that there are many topics which could be posted on this blog which haven't.
I mean, there are important things, which Aco or I might like to remember some time in the future. I'll do my best to post what I can, to catch up.

Aco is so busy these days. This year has been very challenging for her I think. It seems she has to spend much energy on maintaining her business during this time...
I know, she would write a bit about it, if she had the time.
I also have been busy at work these last few months. It has been good, challenging in new ways, but not as extreme as what my dear has been going through. I wish she is well today, taking rest when she can.