Monday, August 8, 2011

Easy hitch ending, Planning for the future.

It is Monday 8th of August, the last day of my two week hitch. The easiest two week hitch I have ever had is coming to an end. I'll be flying home from Injune tomorrow.
For the last two weeks we have had 9-14 people in or camp. We usually have 28+ people in camp. I really needed a hitch such as this one. My last hitch was the hardest and most stressful I had ever had, and this one, the easiest I have had so far. 
Mark and I have been keeping the kitchen open from 4am-10pm, both working 12 hours, but overlapping for 4 hours during the day. It's nice to have someone else in the kitchen to help washing up, and preparing food, and chatting with.

I look forward to going home. I'll be going to the bank to enquire about changing my Australian dollars into Japanese Yen in anticipation of a big drop in the Au dollar's value over the next few months. There has been a huge drop in the Australian stock market recently, and there are predictions that it will drop by up to 25% by the end of the year. The money I have saved may not have much value, by the time I move to Japan, if I don't change the currency soon. I have planned my savings to have enough for studying and initial living costs so a big drop in value can cause some worries.
I'll also be contacting the Japanese Embassy and the Japanese Language School in Tokyo to start my application for a one year student visa. It's exciting to think I will be living in Japan soon.

The night before last, I was chatting with Akiko on Skype. She told me about the advice she had received from her family about our future, and our lifestyle. I started to wonder, will they be happy about Akiko and I living together? Will they be happy with me? I really hope so. I will do my best there.
Moving to Japan will be challenging in many ways,  but I truly believe that with Akiko's love and support I can be happy there, and do well in Japan.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you wont lose your money by the time you come to Japan.
    It's been very difficult to predict the currency and stock markets because US dollar is gettin weak.
    oh, I dont think my family will delight for us to be together. You dont need to worry about it.
    I will try my best for being together.
