Friday, August 19, 2011

I cant leave comments on Adam's articles

I dont know why but i cant leave my messages on our blog, Adam's articles.
so i write here instead.

"wow! it looks so nice cake! you've done well Adam"
It's shame that i cant taste this ...though. :P

" these cows are so nice to see, they look so calm I also want to touch them! "

I'm sorry that i didnt write recently im busy and this is not a really my blog.

i couldnt leave my comments on your blogs bofore many times, i dont know why
i always tried more than 10 times then finally i could succesfull but this time i couldnt do that.

its so stressful that i cant leave my comments on!

i hope someone would help me how to leave my comments without any troubles.

1 comment:

  1. ow, no!!!!!!!!!
    I didn't know you you couldnt comment on our blog Akiko :(

    I have changed the settings... I'm not sure what is the problem, because you are part of this blog. Your status on our blog setting is "administrator" this means you should have the same rights as I do.

    Anyway, I have changed the setting slightly... please let me know if you continue to have difficulties.

    This is our blog... you shouldn't think this isnt your blog as well dear :)
    がんばって cheer up xx
