Saturday, August 20, 2011

メロンパンJapanese Melon Pan (Sweet Bread)

Today at work I baked Japanese メロンパン,, Melon Pan, which are basically an enriched sweet bread dough with a layer of sweet pastry on the outside.
I found the recipe on Happy Home Baking Blog.

I captured photos of a few stages. I was very pleased with the results, and have some ideas on how I can improve the appearance next time around.
 pastry, dough
 rolled pastry, dough
 pastry wraps around the dough
 right side up
 I cut a few designs, to see how they would look after baking
 ten baked pans, ready to eat :)

These little Melon Pans were quite nice, I ate two :)
I served the rest to the workers, I shall see tomorrow, if any were eaten.

1 comment:

  1. They look soooo nice! You've done well Adam. but to be honest i don't eat melon pan much in japan, they are too sweet to me :P
    your bread look better.
