Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mining Industry Catering - New Camp - Delayed Moving

I am at work now, at a new camp, Lucas Camp #26. We are in the Arcadia Valley QLD. I have been here before, with another camp. We recently moved this camp, and we have had some delays. I want to upload some photos for Akiko. It is hard to explain how we move our camps, so I thought the best way to help Ako understand what our camps look like, and how they are moved, is to post some photos.

There is a special type of truck, which is called a "suck truck" that lifts and places the rooms onto another truck.

This is the empty "lease" where our camp will be placed.

This time we had many problems and delays. The lease was not big enough. A bulldozer was called over from the nearby lease to extend the lease and level out a new roadway for the trucks to turn around.

Meanwhile the trucks are waiting... we all are waiting, for the company that owns and transports the camp to start doing something. It seemed that they were unorganized. It took a long time for only a few rooms to be unloaded.

The cows watched us silly humans. Thanks you cows for sharing your land with us :)

The sun was setting, and only one unit was unloaded, and it was in the wrong place. It was humorous, we all wondered when we would be able to start working. Until the units are down, we cant clean the kitchen, and start to cook dinner.
It took a long time, and even after a few days we still didnt have all of the camp unloaded. It has been confusing, and there have been many surprises. We have had so many extra people staying in our camp, it was unexpected and caused some stress, but we did well.
So far I have had many good comments about my meals. I am glad. Although there are a few workers here that seem aggressive, uncivilized and selfish. I'll do my best to keep good food in their mouths all day, which is all they think about, food food food. Each day is a never ending meal. As soon as one meal is over, they are waiting for the next one. Like animals, aliens from strange lands. There is rarely any feeling of friendship or kinship in the mining industry. Very few people treat eachother with love and consideration... it's ironic since the mining industry also does not treat our mother earth with loving care and consideration. I look forward to finishing this work soon.

1 comment:

  1. thank you for uploading the life in camp, yes it's better to see it with photos.
    I'm also glad you have many comliments on your food :) Good news for you!
    i just hope you can have proper kitchen and can work well there soon.
