Sunday, May 15, 2011

Who and What are we mining for? How selfishness can contribute to world pollution.

Hello All.
This post originally started as an email. There was an article on the BBC news website which I found today about the side effects of drilling for resources such as gas. I wanted to share it with friends and family . While writing what I intended to be a short, "for your information" style email. There were many thoughts coming to mind. After 15 minutes I realized this was no longer the email I originally intended to write. So, I copied and pasted what I had written, in this post. I never sent the email. 

Regretfully, I work in the mining industry, catering for a company that drills for coal seam gas. The position is only temporary, but by having this job, I unintentionally support the industry. I'm not proud of it. I dont have the power to stop these companies from mining in ways that pollute the environment. It is up to a select few, who have power to make big changes to stop the polluting of the earths pure waters and environments. I would happily give up this job in an instant if it would cause the end of pollution produced by industry. All I can do is gently express myself and hope that my actions have in some way touched another person in a way that might cause them also to strive to create a more considerate lifestyle.

Awareness and consideration does ensure the gradual reduction of carelessness. It is not a necessity of living, to pollute without care. Proper care can be employed, people only need to care more about the aggregates which make up their life, body and mind, the whole world, rather then only caring about the profit they can make and eventually loose when their life ends. 
What will we leave behind when we die?
A pile of bones, dust, and depending on what we have done in our life possibly a heap of trouble and hardship because we cared not for our world.

I think we need time to learn, time to slow down, and develop a lifestyle that is more considerate.
We all need to support our lives, but more importantly we need to care. We need to act with care and regard and respect the aggregates as the manifestation of the one life force... the many forms make a complete life. WIthout an inclusive view, we become selfish. Perhaps it is selfishness that grows into inclusiveness. Many people, including myself, need to make mistakes before we see that we can reduce suffering in life. Sadly, many people never find truth in suffering, they go on suffering and cause suffering until they die, and the effects of their actions produced by their suffering mind leaves traces of that sorrow behind.

Is that what our society is creating?
Why are we mining? Why are we polluting the earth?
Yes we need comfort, we need warmth in the winter, but we also need to be careful.
Haven't the brilliant minds of our time invented ways to harness electricity that leaves less of a trace, that better suits the environment?
WInd, Sun, Water, there is so much power in this earth already.
The world powers need time, to slow down, to re-configure their order to encourage a cleaner environment.
I wish it will happen, before too long.
Many people are already suffering from the effects of industrial pollution such as polltued water from mining, and radioactive fallout from nuclear power, how can these obvious facts be ignored?

I realize I do not have to power to make big changes in this world, I can only take care of myself and try my best to treat people and this world with kindness and appreciation.
To walk the path of life in kindness and to be considerate, I need to realize that although it is me who makes choices and lives in this body and in this world, I cannot walk the path alone. Taking care of myself while walking along with life is different then being selfish. We have to take care of ourselves to support a mind and body in which our realizations grow. But, If I think I can walk a path alone, as if I am different from all others, I am walking a selfish path. To support this world I need to unlearn what I have learnt, to let go of my selfish mind, to see that the whole universe is included on that path. There is no path without this life, no life without all things that exist.

To be selfish is to pollute the world with selfishness.
We should open our hearts to the sky above and give thanks to the universe for this brief existence and encourage others to be kind by being kind ourselves.

"Pay attention to all the leaves, the flowers, the birds and the dewdrops. If you can stop and look deeply, you will be able to recognize your beloved manifesting again & again in different forms. You will again embrace the joy of life." Thich Nhat Hanh

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