Tuesday, November 8, 2011

2周年 記念日!Our 2 year Anniversary

On 23rd September, we had our two year  Anniversary.
I can feel the time passed quickly, although it was not that recent that we became a couple.

It's amazing that I met Adam, since we live in different coutries.
and we are still continuing a good relationship, with distance.

when I look back over the past two years, I know I was happy to be with him even though
we had a big crisis in Japan.

In 2 years there have been many crises in my personal life as well, it started with a tax investigation, then big earth quakes, then Fukushima nuclear plants explosion and melt-down, then I had some trouble with my work.

I'm greatful to Adam for being good to me, supporting me from Australia.
He called me sometimes and encouraged me, that helped me alot.

ありがとう Adam XX

I really hope we can be even more happy after he will be in Japan.
And hope we wont give up even though we might have challenges in the future life.
I'm sure we can find much happiness that makes a big happiness in the end!

これからも よろしくおねがいします。

1 comment:

  1. Aco :)
    Our meeting was a blessing
    I don't worry about any trouble in our future
    Because I believe you are the one for me
    I only worry about learning Japanese language :P
    Let's just try our best, whatever happens, let's help each other
