Friday, November 11, 2011

Japanese Student Visa Granted

Today I received an email from Hiroo Japanese Language School, Tokyo.
Mr. Watanabe, the director of the school, informed me that my Student Visa was granted.
Quite good news! Now I can be sure that in one month I will be able to go to Japan.
I will be with Aco in one month!
My flight is booked for December 14th.
I'll start the Japanese beginner's language course on January 11th 2012. The course is one year in length, one class per day, five days a week, with two weeks off during the year.

I will start to pack next week :)

1 comment:

  1. This is the first step to get the Visa but it is very importnat sot that you can live in Japan, that' a good news. :)
    I hope you can study well in that school.
