Thursday, October 27, 2011

Food Matters. Bread and Sweets @ EQ5 Camp

I am now working at a new camp, EQ5. Fortunately, the daily routine at EQ5 is very easy going. We have two chefs (including myself) servicing a 12 hour camp. One chef to prepare lunch and breakfast, and  one other for preparing dinner... that's all. Normally I would have to prepare dinner, evening meals, midnight meals, and morning meals in one 12 hour shift. Now, I only have to prepare dinner. I am grateful to have a chance to work here, I can spend more time preparing, baking, and I have time to sit down and eat.

I wanted to post some photos for my dear Akiko.
I hope you can enjoy them Aco xX.

This year has been difficult for Aco, living in Tokyo. I know she is missing the usual food delights which she used to enjoy before the crisis in Japan. Now she has to be very careful where she buys food, because many food goods in Tokyo are from areas affected by the on-going radiation.
I feel sorry for this.
Recently she was telling me about the stress and worries that linger since the crisis. I could sense that she was thinking a lot, I wanted to help her let it go, to feel better.
But it didn't help her. I think she was even more frustrated when I tried to give some advice. I am truly sorry for not being able to help her feel better. As time goes by, we learn more about each other, especially since the crisis. Such danger and stress can change people, we are forced to see things differently.
I am learning just how deep Aco's frustration and worries have been embedded in her day-to-day life. Even the small things, which she used to enjoy in Tokyo, have been taken from her. While she tells me more about her feelings, as time goes by, I am learning how to deal with it also. Sometimes, it's better to listen, even when she is dwelling on some pain or worries. My instinct, to help her see in a more positive way, sometimes doesn't help. We need time to heal and learn to live in a changing world. We also need to learn to protect ourselves.
There are many things that we can not control in life. Sometimes the way to survive is to find what is useful, and leave that which keeps us down behind us. We need clean food, water, and we need a healthy mind to support us. I pray for some relief, for Aco needs and deserves some space to enjoy living without feeling the threat of harm.

I think she is doing well. I know she researches where she can buy food that is safe. She is always careful, and I am glad. I would be heartbroken if she became ill from eating contaminated food each day.
This December, I will be moving to Japan. I look forward to helping carry some of the burden of life in Tokyo, to help her as much as I can. For example, to carry heavy shopping bags, or to cook for us, so Aco can concentrate on work and have time to relax.

You are doing well Aco, and I am proud that you are making effort to stay safe and healthy in Tokyo. がんばってください。

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this writing for me here Adam. yes somerimes I feel it's enough to be patient for eating only safe food. sometimes I need to eat freely without worried as I used to do. I'm grateful Adam understand my feeling. I can feel safe and better when you only listen what i say, but I like having your advise when I need.
