Saturday, September 10, 2011

HomeMade Calzone

This hitch was an easy one. We had around 9-12 people in our camp for three weeks!.. Very Unusual
Myself and Tim (another chef) had only to prepare 2 snack meals, and two main meals. I was preparing afternoon snacks and Dinner only. I felt fortunate for having such an easy time at work. Normally I would be preparing three times more food than this in a day, so this time I could relax and prepare food that I wouldn't normally make. I had time to enjoy cooking.

One night, for dinner, I baked Calzones with fresh homemade dough.
I was pleased with the result.

 Fresh Dough, Rolled.
 Bolognese Sauce with Salami, Olives, Anchovies, Capsicum, Cherry Tomatoes and Cheese.
 Sealed and Brushed with Egg.
 Fresh out of the Oven.
And Served.

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