Friday, September 21, 2012


This is my latest bread, baked at home our toaster oven. There have been many before this one, but because of my many other daily tasks, I very often forget to keep a record of them on our blog. 

This latest bread is a blend of white and rye flours, with organic nuts, dried fruit, and molasses enriched, and leavened naturally. I suppose the reason I am choosing to post about this bread is because the taste was quite good, in my opinion. I was pleased with it, and felt some satisfaction to have some success after months of trials and experiments. 

It is very enjoyable, making, baking, and eating home made bread. I look forward to having a proper oven, to cook large breads, and have better results.

1 comment:

  1. you are improving a lot makin breads recently!
    I always enjoy what you bake. oishii!! x
