Monday, January 23, 2012

Our new start, living in Japan

It's been over one month since Adam and I started living together in Tokyo.

I think we are getting along quite well so far.

I knew it might not be that easy living together because we know each other through socialising and meeting daily on the net, and from meeting a few times.

I know it can be a bit hard, getting used to living together, and getting to know more about each other. We need to go through this, so that we can feel more relaxed.

I live in my work place, that can make it difficult to relax sometimes.

Adam is being very good to me since he came to Japan. He is always supportive and helpful and loving.

I can feel safe and comfortable with him. Although I'm sometimes concerned about his health in this cold winter season in Japan.
I hope he wont get sick again as he was very sick over New Years Eve when we were in the fasting dojo in Awajishima, Hyogo.

I was so worried about him, I felt I was helpless!

Since we had fasted, I feel we are keeping in good health.

As for Adam, I hope he won't worry much about our relationship and feel free and enjoy our life toghether in Japan.

I try my best to tell him my feeling when ever I find he would like to know about me.

I enjoyed visiting Yumoenoshima Tropical Greenhouse dome yesterday with Adam :)

ありがとう テディ 

1 comment:

  1. thanks for posting dear!
    our new start is our precious opportunity.
    I will see you this afternoon when you get back, but I just wanted to leave a comment.

    Yumoenishima Greenhouse was really nice :)
