January 3rd, 2012.
For two days, that have now passed, I've resigned to my bed. Doctor's orders. This Centre for fasting has been my hospital since my arrival. We intended to be here for a five day medically monitored period of fasting. Due to catching a virus the day before, which came to full fruition while we were on the train headed for Kobe, I have been ordered to stay isolated in a private room while they monitor my recovery.
At first it seemed this was bad timing, catching a virus and then falling sick on the day we travelled to this Centre for health. Fortunately the residing Doctor and Sensei of this institution took pity on me, allowed me to stay under his care so that I can recover. Allowing a person infected with a virus free in an institue where people are without food for many days could be dangerous. I felt sorry for arriving in such a state with a temperature of 39°C (102.2°F). From one point of view, I am actually fortunate to be here now, with this virus. I might not have come, so I'd be alone in Tokyo, without knowing where to go, or what to do. I could manage it, but it would be hard and stressful to get around with such a high temperature, alone in Tokyo.
Aco is here with me. She is in this Centre, but roaming free as she will with the rest of the people. She has visited me a few times a day and brought tea. I am grateful. She is in her third day of fasting, feeling a bit dizzy she says, and with a slight headache. She was worried that she might catch the virus from me. I dont blame her.
Besides my state of health, my time here has been enlightening in a way. A retreat from the daily search, and the heavy desire for food. To be honest, I haven't though much about food, if at all, since being here. I have had some meals while being here, doctor's orders. But they were small, and I did not eat more than half of the amount that was served. I'm starting to enjoy the feeling of spaciousness in my gut and intestines. Physically and Mentally I feel light, soft, less distracted by an habitual magnetism toward eating food. Most of the time eating is done out of habit rather than necessity. I might have thirty minutes without being occupied, and almost every time I am sure, the mind, or I should say the stomach conscience raises it's monotonous plea for something to fill it up, to satisfy and pacify it.
I just had a meal, again, only eating half or less. Yesterday, around the same time, I ate less than half. Within the next hour I was violently shivering with a cold sweat. Aco thinks, it was a reaction from eating food. I agree. Whatever virus I have caught, it clearly doesnt like food. I have barely been to the toilet in three days. My body seems to want to deal only with fluids at this point. So it is logical to think I should only consume fluids while my immune sytem fights this virus. However, contrary to this logic, I have been told to keep eating while I recover.
Today might mark my ascent out of this illness, my condition has improved. That has eased my mind. No more fever reducing pills from now, Doctor's orders.