Monday, February 13, 2012

Beef and Guinness Pie

A few days ago I prepared and baked a Beef and Guinness Pie. We don't have a domestic oven, but we do have a small toaster oven that I use to bake small breads, biscuits, or roast dishes etc... and the result are often quite good.

Here's a photo of the Pie.

We served this pie to Akiko's parents and sister yesterday. I made a white wine, mushroom, and rosemary gravy, as well as mashed potatoes and braised cabbage. We wanted to show Akiko's Family what English people like to eat. It was their first time to eat this type of cuisine. We were pleased that they could enjoy it.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Invisible Bomb みえないばくだん えいご

We should think about our future world, not only for ourselves.

because invisible bomb will damage us and all other creatures on the earth for ages.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Save Fukushima Children

As I am concered about the radiation in Tokyo, I check scientst's blogs and Twitters.

And I found this movie that Dr. Christopher Busby talked about the truth what happed in Fukushima and even Tokyo.

I think it is very much important we know the truth not controled information like news what we hear and see in everyday life.