Monday, August 15, 2011

Friendly Cows @ Work

Quite often, the camp where I work is situated on farm land. This means there are usually cows living on this land as well. They are raised by the local farmer and allowed to roam freely. There are a few different types of cows living around our camp at the moment. Most of them are Brahmins.

I think they look so nice, and peaceful, and very wise in their simple way of living. Apparently, cows can smell water, an ability which helps them find water sources in very dry lands such as in Australia. This sometimes leads them to our camp as we often have some small amount of water which leaks out of our water tanks. Occasionally  I can find herds of cows just outside our camp. Normally they run away when they see us coming, but sometimes there are a few that are brave and calm, and we can walk near them.
I will try to touch one soon, before I finish working in this area.

Here is a very nice looking Brahmin with a beautiful Brown colour. And a few of his mates that were hanging around with him. We gave them some water in a bucket to drink. The black and white cow was the greedy one, and she tried to drink all the water by herself, She kept hitting the others with her head to push them away from the bucket! It was funny and cute to watch how they act together.

 I think this brown cow was very nice looking, with an innocent face like a rabbit.

These animal are so big and heavy. It's amazing that they survive by eating grass! When I see them in their natural environment, I feel regret and shame that so many of these peaceful and vegetarian animals are treated poorly and killed by humans. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello cows! nice to meet you X
    please get on well with Adam :)
